Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Insomnia is surely the curse of modern life. Millions of people end up taking sleeping tablets. These lead to a masking of the problem. A sleep of sorts occurs but not a restful sleep. A dependency develops. Fear takes over. “If I don't take a sleeping pill, I probably won't get any sleep. I need sleep. I've got to stay on them.” Long-term use then creates a hangover effect. A person has slept, but still doesn't feel rested. This continues over a period of time and a persistent depression takes over. “I've got to take sleeping tablets to function but I'm starting to feel depressed from them. It's a continuing spiral that's leading me into feeling that my life is getting out of control.”

The depression continues until the person mentions it to the doctor when next getting sleeping tablets. The only course open leads to anti-depressants. So then the person becomes a patient. Anxiety has led to high-blood pressure, which has to be constantly monitored. This then leads to depression and abandonment of good eating habits. “I just can't think straight anymore. I can barely function. I'm on antidepressants and constantly in need of medical help. I'm trying to cope