Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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What methods do you have to relieve stress and rebalance your lives?

Going outside in order to have a change of scenery is a good start. This allows you to be more objective and breathe in some fresh air. It is important to do this to unclog your mind, and be able to view any problems from a different perspective. This should help but often the problems come back with no solutions as soon as you return.

Drinking and drugs .
Often the only way to forget your problems for a time is taking something to numb your thoughts. “What a night! We tried everything and it did work for a while but all the problems are back, still without a solution. I obviously need more of the same constantly, and that's the only thing that might work. I might end up as an addict, but at least the constant worries and voices will stop.”

Asking for advice


Everyone needs a bit of help sometimes, and talking to someone