Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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hopefully helps. Your mind ought to be clearer after this and some direction decided on. “But the stress and indecision is still there. Everyone tells me something different, and often it only makes things worse.”

Deciding yourself
Finally making some decision, even if it's the wrong one, and sticking to it. “At least it will bring things to a conclusion and relieve some stress.” Often though, it will only make things worse and add to the problem.

So what do you do?


“Stress and the consequent anxiety are making increasing inroads into my daily life, leaving me less and less able to function.” HELP.


Recreate harmony within yourself.

Stress and anxiety are making your life less and less balanced and this makes it harder to function day by day. You already have family and work commitments and you're often studying as well. Plus you're expected to be productive each day, as well as coping with increasing health problems, more time restraints and more pressure.