Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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and assess them. Do this after thinking ‘hopefully’ for one day. You will realize that your realism suddenly becomes less pessimistic. There is a small light at the end of the life tunnel.

Be objective
Is there less or more danger today than there was in the twentieth century? During this time there was a constant threat of world war, nuclear catastrophe and share market crashes and all of these threats actually happened. Are our times better or worse than this? How would you cope with the above? During these times most of the world was bombed or nuked into oblivion. The world recovered.

Ask yourself now – Can a better world be created and how?

The first step is to change yourself. Create a better space for your mind which leads onto your soul, and you will suddenly know there is not just you. There is Me, which is you, which is Me.

The first step towards a better world is to change yourself.