Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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There are more things in heaven and earth... We are just remembering this through string theory. How many dimensions are there really? One? String theory has already verified the existence of twenty-six as a minimum. OPEN UP YOUR MIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES OF DISCOVERY.

Only fear limits the discovery of many possibilities. Fear is the reverse of love. Fear is the negative side.

The older you become the more you are limited by fear. Fear is constantly generated on the television, through newspapers and word of mouth. You always hear, “It's unsafe today to even catch the train to work”. “Anything could happen to any one of us or our loved ones at anytime”. “Don't travel overseas as you're leaving a safe environment and you'll be in danger”. Many people become so weighed down by these pronouncements of doom that they are unable to leave the house. The only place to feel safe is at home. You are constantly told that this is the real picture and anything else is just airy-fairy hippieisms.

Begin NOW to talk hopefully about the world and your life. Begin to assess realism. Talk hopefully today about life. Check your negative reactions to everything. Think about your “realistic” reactions to life