Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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The other great curse of modern life is surely lack of peace.

Many people believe they don't even want peace. “This place is so peaceful that I am totally bored. I'm looking for action and a faster pace.”

Off they go looking for this faster pace. Into the heart of a city. They're now living in the inner-city. Their new group of friends are fast. On the phone all the time, arrangements are made to fill in every hour with something. Otherwise how do you ward off boredom? Drink more, party more and of course during this drugs can become involved. “To keep this up, I need speed/ice. On that I can live life to the full, 24/7. That's what I want.”

On life goes. The inevitability of burnout occurs. What else could happen? No sleep for days, stresses on the body. Months no inner peace. Constant demands,

go by, leading into years but the inevitable happens. Collapse or suicide. The voices start in your head. You can't get rid of them in the end. Conflicting emotions. A shower will help, more drugs, a drink after work – it goes on and on. “I can't