Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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go on like this. I feel as though I have lost my inner core – my spirit.”

What happened to the peace that was despised? If you only had five minutes of that, you might be able to get your head together enough to overcome these problems. “Why can't I remember what it was like, and how can I regain it? I'm losing it totally.” HELP.

“I thought I loved this person. I wanted this child so badly, but the screaming and constant demands are getting on my nerves. What's wrong with me!”

“I took this job and really was looking forward to it, but now!” “I could hardly wait to retire, but what's happened to my direction. I've lost it!” HELP.

Lack of sleep and lack of peace go hand in hand. If you have no peace within yourself, how can you expect a good night's sleep? Your mind is constantly in turmoil. How can this lead to a restful night? Masking this lack of peace with tablets only leads to more and more problems.

Life in this world is one of little peace. People have chosen a faster paced lifestyle. People have to contend with their own lack of peace, which includes family problems, children, spouses, parents and demanding friends. As well as lack of peace externally. This includes other inconsiderate people who affect that person such as bosses and noisy neighbors.

The list goes on to include highway noise, aircraft noise and