Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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want to be living in the country, gazing at my navel all day?

STOP. Even though you don't realize it, you can have both. A peaceful, balanced mind can go with an exciting, ambitious life. Why do they have to be the opposites?

What you're not taking into account is that a balanced mind can see the bigger picture of life. It can make that tricky decision safely, after weighing up all the pros and cons. It can step into an empty breach, when all else are panicking, and take control of the situation. This situation will then be tipped in the right direction. An overburdened mind that panics will rarely make the best choice. Later, after the heat is off, under objective reflection this will become all too apparent. Unfortunately, the responsibility must be taken, and the results can be disastrous for all parties involved.

Being seen as a steady guiding hand, in business and at home, will always lead to more and more responsibility and the corresponding increase in rewards. This then results in a more exciting life, and more satisfaction in all that you then undertake.

Just a warning. Keep that mind peaceful and centered, so you can continue to be able to delegate tasks, and differentiate between the more and less important in life's tasks. All peaceful minds must know when enough is enough, and when the brakes need to be applied. If you continue to be a superhero and not allow time for peaceful respite, all minds will collapse eventually under the pressure. Balance