Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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general city noise. Not to forget constant phone calls that now never stop, emails, faxes for work and personal demands. How can peace ever be achieved with all these?

Look into yourself. Can you really be the perfect person? Realise many of these demands are placed on you by yourself. Who ever said you had to be perfect? You did. Who ever said you had to carry around other people's burdens as well as your own? You did.

A crisis has developed where you're called in to reassess what you can do and still be a balanced person. You want to restore peace within yourself. You're falling under with these burdens.

You need to become “self-ish”. If you collapse under the weight and have a breakdown, you won't be able to help anyone anyway. You need breathing space now before that happens. Concentrate on how you need to do this. Prioritise. Scale back the workload, cut back the commitments, turn off the phone at a certain hour. Take on an unseen partner here. Me. I am you anyway, so why not take on My help? My priority is for you to be peaceful. Why wouldn't I want to help you work towards that end? Finally admit who you are and peace will be yours!

Does peace equal boredom?
If I choose to become a centered, peaceful person will I be choosing a life where nothing ever happens? That's what I'm afraid of? I don't