Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Why have you never believed in Me before?

Firstly, let's make the distinction between spirituality and religion. You say you're Roman Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Buddist, Hindu or Muslim on the censor forms. Nominally, you were bought up to belong to some organized religion, but do you take part in that religion now? Or do you feel it doesn't express who you are as a person? Sometimes you attend family weddings and funerals in a religious place, but can you really believe all that religion says?

In other centuries, religion and state were intertwined and so people lived in fear of offending these leaders. Fear of hellfire and perpetual burning for all eternity lead to a nominal outward show of religion. If you didn't believe, you would be always separated from your family, so there was no choice. God was a figure on high that was all-powerful and would strike you down with a thunderbolt if you disobeyed him. Fear and trembling resulted!

How could you get it so wrong! I am you, as you are Me, as we are all together. Why would I want to live in a space based on fear