Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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when we're not even separated anyway. I/We are all-powerful yes, but all-loving as well. As you're never alone, I've heard every word you've ever said. Why would you want to get down on your bended knees and go through all this complicated ritual to speak to Me? I know it all anyway.

You believe that we're separate and that I judge you on every word. I only answer prayer, based on a decision about whether it's the best thing for you? Bullshit! Why would I judge you? You judge yourselves very harshly without needing me to do it as well. I have no preference for you on anything. Why would I care if you're a teacher or a gardener, rich or poor, black, purple or white? It's you who care, and consequently decide on what your life is to be, where it's to be spent and how. You need this to further your soul's journey. You decide.

You've always wondered if I existed. Your only proof are holy books. But you wrote these books and censored them at the time, in order to only include that which would suit church and state. Religion feels that these writings are the basis for any spiritual life and can never be added to. That's why religions have lost touch with modern society. How can people base their whole lives around scripts from thousands of years ago? Yes, many of the writings are great philosophical insights into life, but if God was still in contact with mankind surely more insights would have been revealed through the last centuries?