Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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Every religion admits that everything in life emanates from Me and is given by Me. That includes you and your world.

As it all comes from Me, it's perfect. It couldn't be anything else. The only imperfection is your choice. How could you experience life if there was no imperfection? Okay, you chose imperfection and now you live with that choice. The power of one allows you to change your choices, remember? How do you want the world to be? You decide.

So everyone is pigeonholed into an organized religion. Every religion is different! Wrong. How can it be when it's all supposed to lead directly to Me? No one could get it that wrong. Why then is the world so mixed up if I'm in control and religion is organizing things?

Firstly, you're in control of your own life. Therefore, if everyone is in control of their lives, and choices are being made perpetually about what people want their life to be, you're in control of what happens to you. The bigger picture is that you ultimately control this world, as you have free choice. Individually or collectively, you're all making the choices as to how your world is to be. Collective consciousness comes into play here. Better quickly decide how you want things to ‘be’, as this ultimately decides how things ‘become’.

I am you, as you are me, as we are all together.