Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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The only way for change to occur collectively is for it to happen individually. People need to be selfish and work on themselves and what they want their choices to be. If enough look within, changes can occur without. If few look within, the wrong choices will be made time and time again. Things will never change and people will believe that they cannot either. Can the world change? Only if enough people see there is a need for change, and are prepared to change themselves. Don't be ashamed of selfishness. Work on yourself first. Then people will start to notice a difference.

Secondly, there is a difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is organized by a group of people, whereas spirituality is within the individual. You can decide to be spiritual without necessarily being religious. Don't allow yourself to believe you are separated from Me. Always remember who you are. Spirituality is never separate. Religion can be.

Spirituality comes from within. You have always known the truth. You just have to remember it. People need to work on their spiritual life now. Only by being selfish and working on yourself spiritually can you ultimately be less selfish within your life and the world. At your core there is always a loving, happy and peaceful soul.

Only from within can change come from without. Want it, you've got it!