Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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mind and temporarily your soul, therefore just as you feed, clean and exercise, you need to relax the body daily as well. Only from a relaxed body can a de-stressed mind occur.

A relaxed body will help you sleep better, function better and ultimately result in a more dynamic you. Surely such a small investment is worth it!

Remind yourself before you start, that this body needs to keep functioning in good condition for an average of eighty years. If you don't want a life of continual ill health, you have to function from a positive body and mind base. This means relaxation and rest as well as work and play. Relax the body and restorative sleep will return.

Once a day, before retiring for the night is a good place to start. This can be increased to morning as well as at night if you want to increase your ability to cope with stress. Start small and big things will begin to happen.

Alter your routine a fraction – put the children to bed a little earlier. Turn off the television for half an hour to give you time to clear your mind and relax before bed. Turn the unmindful chaos of the evening into a time to give yourself more space and consequent peace. Just a few minutes are all that is necessary.

Your body takes a battering every day in this fast-paced modern lifestyle, but spending that few minutes during the day it can make a huge difference. Any spare moment you can find – sitting on the train,