Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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in bed before you fall asleep or when you wake in the morning, watching television, take that few moments and give yourself a few minutes break. It will reap huge rewards.

The Exercise
While sitting down, imagine that your body is entirely limp. Let it all go. Your feet and legs are so light you could float away, drifting in space – weightless.

1. Start with your feet. Make sure they are on the ground, with your hands gently beside you. Take three deep breaths and breathe out again each time slowly. Make sure you empty your lungs fully with each breath. You can feel the lightness spreading to your legs.

2. Then lift your left ankle and circle it, letting it fall back gently to the floor. Do the same to your right ankle. Easy does it.

3. Now you're ready. Raise your left arm and let it fall limply on your knee. Do the same to your right arm. They've both fallen limply on your knees. Your body is slowly relaxing and the tension leaving.

4. Allow your head to circle around your body to the right and