Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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2. De-stressing your mind

After the body, the mind needs to be looked at. After all, how can your body feel at peace when your mind is a seething turmoil of fears and frustrations? Unresolved conflicts swim around in your brain, along with thoughts of anger and powerlessness. Your body displays unconscious restless movements, such as feet and hand tapping. So how can you possibly be at peace in any way when this is constantly happening?

Your mind carries a swollen mass of thoughts and emotions – Learned habits, predictable outcomes, masses of swirling daydreams and thoughts. Why is it that the outcomes of your actions end up in the same place? It's so predictable. At the outset happiness reigns – this time it will all work out well and there will be a happy ending. This time. Looking back that's what you always think, and here you are once again looking at the final results. It's unhappy and not what you want. You can't believe this has happened again. What can you do?

Let's work on de-stressing your mind. This exercise goes with relaxing your body. Both need to be practiced for a balanced technique which will lead to total relaxation of body and soul.