Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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1. You are back in the chair with your feet touching the ground and your arms hanging limply on your knees.

2. You are breathing again in and out. Three deep breaths will as before. Hold these breaths to a count of five, and then make sure you totally empty your lungs when you breathe out.

3. Focus on your thoughts. They are rushing through your brain at a million miles an hour. Consciously calm that raging sea. Feel them subsiding until the waters are now placid and peaceful. They've become a quiet lake, not a sea. Or mentally sit on top of a mountain and watch them all race by below you, deliberately not ‘thinking’ about anything, just letting it all go and have no effect on you. Just watch, and those thoughts will gradually slow and your mind becomes empty.

4. Now think of the most beautiful places you have ever seen. They can be next door, or half way around the world. Here the waters are still, the trees swaying and the birds chirping. The desert could be singing its lonely song, or the oasis radiating its calm air of plenty and security. This is the place for you, where you can return at any time throughout your busy day for strength and renewal. From this scene know that you are meant to be, and can