Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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positive so you can interact more lovingly with your family, have more friends and get on better with people socially and at work. You want to go from being a “bad” person (a taker) to being one of life's “good” people (a giver). As you have chosen your life, being “good” or “bad” is totally subjective. But being a person who always takes what is offered and never gives anything back is the definition of positivity and negativity. Your goal becomes what you want to be – one of life's givers. When you can start to give back, happiness automatically follows.

You've finally realised that you need peace in your life. Some sort of feeling of contentment within yourself. Some way that you can feel solid enough within yourself to springboard into life. To realise what you actually ‘need’ is the first major step.

Even if you only have a minute sitting in a chair, you are just consciously loosening the knots within your body, from letting your head hang loosely for a moment, to resting your legs and arms and heading to that peaceful place that you created, cherish, and remember so well. Peace. Be still.

As you practice these exercises, you will gradually start to feel more rested, not as stressed and more refreshed. With being more relaxed you will cope easier, focus better, so at the end of the day you don't have to take piles of ‘unfinished’ to-do lists home with you.