Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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be, a peaceful being. Keep this scene in a place in your mind to pull out any time you need to settle, quiet you thoughts, and focus.

5. Realize who you are. You are no longer a helpless and lonely person. You are God's body in the flesh. You can control your life now. Let go of the drama and unhappiness. This you created as you felt you needed excitement in your life. It's only bought you pain and unhappiness. This angry, complex existence can be replaced by a simple, happy life if you choose for it to be so. Choose peace and you will have it.

6. Whenever you feel stressed throughout the day, remind yourself of who you are, and return to that peaceful place you created. This place will renew your energy levels and recharge your battery. By choosing peace instead of stress, the dramatic situations will become less and less, and you will be able to cope more and more. The feelings of helplessness will be gradually replaced by feelings of control. Just close your eyes for a second and remember who you are, and where you choose to be.

7. Peace be with you.


You are now ready to move on – ready to move forward. Ready to do what it takes to turn your life around. You want your life to become