Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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The ringing of alarm bells should arise when you feel discomfort, pain or suffering because of a certain situation. Then you know you are resisting that situation for whatever reason. What can you do to rectify the problem?

1. If you are involved with that person, allow them to know your thoughts on the situation for their own benefit. Feelings of love cannot be allowed to turn into frustration and hatred without a fight.

2. You cannot change that person, so you either have to stop resisting them and allow whatever happens, or walk away. As you are creating your own reality constantly, you can change yourself and your own reaction to that situation. This then allows the situation to be alright as you have let it go. If you don’t, you are creating constant suffering for yourself.

3. If you can't get rid of the trigger then you must change your reaction. By lowering your stress levels through relaxation of your mind and body you will be better able to cope with the situation, and maybe come up with a solution.

4. By constantly reminding yourself of who you are, you will know that you choose your past and who you spend your life with.