Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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situation to continue. If you allow bullying, it is bad for both you and the aggressor. That person will receive the message what they have always done is all right. Love of yourself and others demands that you stop them and make them realise that it is not all right. To allow them to continually hurt others and inflict damage is not the most loving thing to do. That abuser if allowed to continue can develop into a ruthless and cruel character. You develop feelings of hate towards them and they become the unbending thug. Never allow this ‘victim’ situation to continue. Highest love requires a forceful, positive response.

You can't change others, but you can allow them to glimpse the true situation. When you know that you're creating your reality continually, you will realise that you can change how you react to the situation. It will take time for both of you, but from now on let them know how you feel then step away from that situation.

Most people's grief and frustration stems from trying to change their situation by changing others. You can explain to someone why they need to change, but ultimately you cannot make them change. If they decide to change themselves that is a different matter. A learned situation that has come about through many years of ‘conditioning’ takes a lot of positive changes. You have to step back and monitor your reactions. When you see the constant way you react to that behaviour, only then can you decide to react another way.