Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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4. Letting go of the past and practicing forgiveness

Think of your life scenario. Look into yourself and assess the situation. What problems do you carry with you from childhood? Think about it carefully and honestly. These unresolved childhood situations will come back again and again to haunt you.

Look at yourself objectively now, and assess how flexible you are. If you're fluid in your life and in most situations, you are not carrying too much baggage with you now. But if you feel sensitive in your reactions, and have a low tolerance level to life, it means you're carrying unresolved problems around with you.

How do you react to small annoyances? If you're feeling you are overreacting and flying off the handle to everything, you have a problem. Your threshold levels to stress show how you're coping with life.

.Depending on how low your coping mechanism is will show how little you've resolved your problems. The lowest threshold and you will be an addict, mentally ill and deeply into self-destruct mode. How much you're into destroying your life and the lives of those around you will show how little you've faced your problems. You might think you've covered up everything nicely, but they'll always