Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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resurface, usually when you least expect it.

High stress threshold levels show you are able to resolve your problems. You're de-stressing your mind and body and going forward in life. Keep up the good work and continue to de-stress, and your life can continue fluidly

You have a choice. Either step forward and try to resolve things or spiral downwards, often taking along those who you are closest to. Ultimately, this will often lead to suicidal thoughts and actions. Or, change to positive behaviour and create your life how you want it to be. Decide which way you are heading now and a course of action before it is too late.

Forgiving others and yourself
Guilt. That's the keyword. You've learned to feel guilty about everything. You've always been told that you are “bad” from the start. If you've ever done something that a person with power over you at that time didn't like, you were branded “bad and unmanageable”. Whatever you did was always wrong from that power base perspective. You have been taught to feel shame for being born less than perfect.

God will punish you for being imperfect you are told. That punishment can take the form of smacking or abuse as a child, to mental and physical abuse as an adult. The parent and tormentor have taken on the role of God in deciding what you are to be punished for.