Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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me has used me as a punching bag. No wonder I'm an addict.


Look at these problems squarely.


1. Blame. You're blaming yourself or others for all the woes that have occurred in your life. Wrong.

2. Know that you have chosen your life situation. You chose your parents and family. How they affected you even as a child was your choosing. But how can a child choose anything? You appear as a child, but that child is an old soul. You have been here before in many different life situations, and even though physically you are young and vulnerable, the old soul has chosen this as a learning situation. You might have to go through a similar situation many times in many lives, until you finally feel as though you have learnt what you need, and can resolve the situation.

3. You can choose to overcome this situation now. Remember you are never alone. You are Me and I am always with you to help you overcome anything you choose to do. You'll have to work through this life scenario at some stage in your physical lifetimes. If you don't do it now you'll have to face it again until you can do it.