Easy Answers for Life by El Howard - HTML preview

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4. When you realise that whatever happens in each person's lifetime is their choice, only then can you forgive yourself. Only then can guilt pass as you finally understand now that your loved one choose their death – in that way and at that time. You couldn't have changed a thing. Any guilt or blame is a wasted emotion from your and their perspective.

5. You were born a perfect being. I never create in any other way. You were born in the manner and place of your choosing. You can head back to that perfection whenever you finish with the drama. Look at yourself, you're addicted to the drama of life. The excitement and rush of the continual ebb and flow of life, that's what you love. Until you choose peace above pace, you'll never move. Your life will continue in the same negative way. You have to realise that the only way you can live in harmony with yourself and consequently others, is with a peaceful and balanced mind and soul.

6. I forgive you for everything as really there's nothing to forgive. Both you and the victim decided on whatever you did. You both needed that act from which to grow. Know that this growth is negative, but still requires no forgiveness. You are in your chosen place. But know you can choose another place.