Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I listened attentively to a preacher preach about the damning effects of poverty some time ago. Its general knowledge, a huge population of the world is considered poor and tagged the lowly esteemed title of “third world”. It hurts that the wealth of the world is found in the hands of just a few while the bulk grind in oblivion in need of help and aid that are crumbs from the table of those that have.

Nobody ever envisages being born into the world poor. If it were possible to have chosen our place of birth, everyone would hurriedly get into the womb of a man like Bill Gates. Sadly though, the choices are not ours to make so we wake up into the world to see the opportunities that are either available or unavailable.

To be poor is no great tag and could be very depressing a title, so those who find themselves in that state strive to get themselves off the limit that it places. Being poor is barrier enough to getting the riches that we certainly desire to enjoy. It will drag and pull one down every time he strives to get off it. That has being the struggle of many persons who desire to get off to the other side of the poverty divide where wealth is created and enjoyed.

It’s true that many of those who have become famous and wealthy today had that poverty sting around them. They however chose to break off from the chains and it wasn’t so easy a battle. They strived with poverty and at some point, they assumed they were losing but somehow, that big opportunity arrived.

I read through history and found out that the men who have had more marks actually had peasant beginnings. If you try to name them, you’d certainly find out that they were even poorer than today’s poor. They made it, and we celebrate them for their awesome achievements and then wonder if the same miracle can happen to us.

Poverty could be like a chicken that have been snatched from the mother hen by a strong hawk. It will take quite a battle to get the prey off the hawk’s claws if ever there is chance for it to happen.

Poverty is a mentality that sucks. It makes you think small and lower than you can be. It makes one look wretched however rich he is inside and destroys every iota of self believe. It could be disorienting and underrating to discover that you could possibly do more than your present condition allows but you don’t because you can’t just figure out how to get it done.

Here’s what I observed. Quite a number of those who had broken off from poverty were not satisfied just as every other person but they moved beyond un-satisfaction to discovery, a discovery of why they remain where they are, how those who have broken up from it made it and how they can live the bandwagon and be man enough to take up responsibility for the actions that creates wealth.

First things first, the kind of information you feed yourself. You won’t want to be in an environment that celebrates mediocrity. You want to be fed with the right information that can gear up your mentality. Yes, the right information is important and from the right people too. If you are well informed from those who have had the experience of coming off the poverty bandwagon, you find useful marks that you can follow to also achieve the result you want to see happen.

The people you find around you too matters. It’s better to stand alone than to be around men of mediocrity who are content being in the poverty bandwagon. You won’t want to be drinking at a pub house of such men when you can spend a weekend at a five star hotel with celebrities and men of timbre and caliber. The cliché “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are” holds 95% of the time. Those around you define your thinking mentality and influences what you think about. You’d be better off getting off their bandwagon alone than joining them in their short term celebration of mediocrity.

You have to believe that information from those who have achieved wealth is achievable and develop the energy and quest to act on the information you have derived from them. You have to activate your drive to get past poverty.

You could be the next big wealth story the world is waiting to hear. What are you doing? Get up and act.