Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Everyone wants the better of life (best is relative). This better is pictured in the minds mental screen upon which hope and desire is geared. A part of everyman’s wish could be to spend some time holidaying in a five star hotel near the sea away from the bustle and hustle of town or maybe sleep by the side of the beach for as long as he wishes. We wish that mental picture we are painting arrives soonest.

There is always that natural picture of the better life that sticks naturally with a person as he lives life. This picture is often created from the plethora of objects viewed which have being considered as things that are part of persons living better lives. Painting the picture of what is needed in the better life has being made easier that every person has one perfect future picture that he is longing to find himself in. You too have a picture of the better life that you want.

Every desirable better life picture is only a wish that we hope to see happen. Many persons have being able to get into their picture but most have failed to get into it. The reason is because some lack the vital information that could enable the way for the coming to life of their picture.

What information?

The Information on what choices they have to make. Anyone who has to make headway towards the better life must decide to make a choice towards that life. The better life is a choice. One could decide for mediocrity and stay there. Those who decide for the better life make a choice towards it and they make a couple of other choices to remain in their choice better life path.

These choices are often varying depending on what direction the better life is going to arrive from. One may have to choose between getting a higher degree, learning a new trade or business and choosing to remain at the same position where you are. Whatever direction you choose, it’s a choice. The only difference is the endpoint.

Getting Information on the chances available in the direction of choice. When you’ve made a choice, on what path you feel you should take, the next thing that must come to mind is the chances available in the direction of that choice. For example if you’ve chosen a career at the university, you’d be thinking of getting a chance for admission at the university, if it’s a business choice, you’d be thinking of the possibilities of the business succeeding, how to raise capital for the business etc.

You will have to make some changes. There is always a need for change somewhere in our lives if there will be any better path to which we must thread. You may have to change your immediate spending habits. Your choice may require that you save more in order to meet the needed capital for the business. You may have to give up some other things you hold dear in order to fund the pursuit of the better life. Sometimes you may even give up your friends and loved ones for a brief moment to focus on the future better.

The demarcation between where you are now and the better you want may be a long dark tunnel or just a thin sheet of paper. If it’s a thin sheet of paper, you are one of the lucky ones. If it’s a long dark tunnel, it may be difficult and challenging at some point where you may seem hopeless and lost and may query if you actually made the right decision towards the choice of what direction you desire your better life to come from. Most persons we celebrate today whose lives could be similitude with the better life actually had their long tunnel phase but they kept at it till they came at the other side of the tunnel with a new lease of life.

When you’ve finally achieved the better life, things begin to change at a faster rate than you had imagined. You now become celebrated because you had dared to make a choice for the life you want.

If you truly want the better life, make the right choices, watch out for the chances and make the changes