Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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In today’s fast pace rat raced society, we find ourselves in a persistent pursuit for the things that we hope can offer us a better comfortable life than we have being used to. Society has helped us define the characteristics of this more comfortable life like owning a car, building a house and having a successful family with a beautiful wife or handsome husband. Thanks to the media’s crave for visualizing beautiful things; we are often fed with this lifestyle on television screens and on movies. The more we see, the stronger our passion to live this lifestyle reveals itself.

Success is a relative term yet everyone tends to define success based on some degree of substantial achievements that one can see, feel or touch. We have grown up with an assumed mental definition of success and we think if we have to be defined as successful, we must have all the nice things of life. Many persons have found themselves caught in the web of reaching for success and many have failed to attain the height for which they feel success is achieved. The reason is because they had being pursuing the wrong goals. They have the wrong picture of success.

Success like everything in life obeys the Einstein’s philosophical rule of relativity which supports the conclusion that everyone is successful. This success is the relative success which at some point we have enjoyed. Everyone has had reasons to go ahead of some other person. You may not be doing well at work but you once did in the classrooms against your classmates. Everyone succeeds.

There is a stratum of success that often everyone pushes to attain. Yes everyone succeeds but what we often lookout for is the stand out success, the one that every other person observes, feels and touches. This success division is the one everyone strives to become; to become “a success.”

We become “a success” when we meet ranks with other successful people. Often in this rank of success, these persons succeed at creating for themselves a degree of wealth and fame by doing what every other successful person has done. Often there is no extraordinary exceptional air around their achievements. They do what everyone who they feel is enjoying success does and they get the same result. Success leaves footprints and when you walk in those footprints, you will also become “a success.”

When one becomes “the success”, he carries an extraordinary exceptional uncommon kind of air that can never be replicated no matter how much one tries. This kind of success isn’t gotten by following some other successful person. It is gotten by a divine kind of inspiration, the kind that arrives when you decide to take a path away from every other successful person and then choose to do your thing. This kind of success goes beyond wealth and fame. Wealth and fame comes and it comes in a stupendous form that it becomes almost not valuable but that’s not often the goal. The goal is often to bless and uplift lives.

The kind of success most persons yearn for is the “a success” type, the type in which driving cars, owing houses, having a beautiful family and having a chain of businesses is the goal. This type of success makes people want to do all they can do to attain often because their neighbors or relative has attained that. The man who wants to become “the success” thinks otherwise. Yes he needs all the great things of life but he sees beyond those things. He looks at the overall betterment of human kind and human kind often bestows on such persons godlike attributes. He doesn’t have his neighbors to compete with and even if his neighbors live in mansions and he lives in a hut, he shows a degree of contentment knowing that beyond his present situation is the mansions he is helping others build for which his will arrive soon.

As a matter of fact, the man who becomes “the success” is infinitesimally being looked up to for inspiration. He has millions at his feet who glorify him and have him in prime place in their minds. Everyone thinks becoming like him is impossible and so they never try. They’d rather prefer being the faithful follower who taps from the resources of the almost infinite “the success.”

What’s your desirable success type?