Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Knowing you have a worthy purpose for living could be most satisfying. God made everyone to fit his purpose and he handed down to us varying purpose full task to accomplish, each task in a special way having a positive effect on humanity.

Though each person is laden with a given God ordained purpose, our inadequacies have helped us replace God’s purpose with frivolities that we have become blind to the set purpose we are meant to achieve. We now find ourselves pursuing junks as purpose.

Knowing your worthy purpose could be challenging especially because it requires the development of the mind towards the attainment of the spiritual good, a state when God shines his light of inspiration and guidance to you. However, once you focus your mind towards God and he illumines your mind, he directs you to his perfect will and he reveals his purpose for your life in a full rush of illumination.

Discovering your purpose in life is one thing and having a resolute fidelity to pursue that purpose is another. Your purpose is like an automobile, which the oil of fidelity and dedication has to fuel. If you do not pursue your purpose and confirm it with your colors painted all over it, it could leave for frivolities.

Our world is frivolities filled and the greatest mistake we will be making is leaving our purpose one bit to pursue them. While this may be a big mistake, many still choose to make that mistake. The lives in our penitentiaries all have worthy purposes but they allowed frivolities ahead of their purpose.

Imagine how the world would have been if everyone discovered, their worthy purpose and pursued them. It would have being a blissful world with each person thinking how best to serve the other.

Our earth remains the way it is because either the bulk of its inhabitants have failed to recognize their purpose or if they recognized their purpose, they have failed to pursue that purpose.

Do you want to be a statistic, a number of persons who have lost sight of their God ordained worthy purpose? You don’t. You want to live a fulfilled purpose full life.

Get to know your purpose. When you’ve known your purpose, what happens next? Pursue the purpose. Stick to it and make that purpose speak. Hold strongly to that purpose and believe in its fulfillment.  That’s fidelity.

You have a responsibility to fight for your worthy course and to ensure it sees day’s light. The satisfaction you desire to get in living a life of purpose will not come over a night sleep. You will have to strive to put in some believe and hope into the purpose.

Sometimes your worthy purpose could stand in opposition to laid down conventions and principles. This may make you fret when you meet these oppositions. Regardless of the opposition, you must hold firm to your purpose.

One fact you must realize is that people who live with a purpose often have to face initial opposition and so much of it. The world loves conventions and when you drive against convention, there surely will be an outcry. However if you persist, yours too soon will become a convention with people seeing through your own lens.

All great achievements are the results of the fidelity of achievers with purpose who defied odds to see through why God had created them.

It is satisfying having gone through the trial period and making headway with your worthy purpose. Life becomes easy. Here’s why you hear people say their works like their play. Their work is their play because it is what they are meant to do as purpose. They are living a comfortable life because they have derived pleasure from the purpose God has given them.

Running against your purpose is suicidal. It leaves you empty and without joy and could finally lead you to taking unnecessary actions that could destroy the purpose altogether.

Your purpose counts. You pursuing that worthy cause you have been purposed for may determine the difference we will be seeing in the future. You being true to your purpose could propel some other persons fulfillment.

Live a purpose full life. It’s only a matter of time before your pose becomes the standard.