Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The last one month has been challenging for me especially because of a health challenged little sibbling. I needed to hang around to help her through her challenge until she came through it. I realized during the period that as much as I could, it was difficult holding balance in the face of seeing a loving little sibling battle for her life. In the face of it though, I managed to garner enough motivation to help her believe. I’ve learnt over and over again that at the juncture when we find ourselves between life and death, we are often left with a ludicrous choice, a voice that tells us this side of life isn’t worth living in after-all.

The total essence of our existence in life is centered on a struggle to survive. We do all we do in life just so that our eyes could still be open to this side of life where it seems we have the ability to control because we have no idea what life at the other side looks like. This wrangling thought is what propels us to do all we can do, how we can do it and when we can do it to ensure we get off the sickbed straight into life.

Getting success is like fighting for life at the sick bed. Failure is like death, an easier but bitter option that leaves not just you but others around you sad and despondent. Success arrives as life filled with inspiration for even more life. It however takes a struggle to defeat the many encumbrances that often form themselves around the man who is gunning for it.

One would have to defeat self. A major reality that my eyes opened to was the fact that our first enemy that has to be defeated before we can take congruent steps towards getting success is actually ourselves. We often think our major enemies are others. Actually others arrive only when they see you have lost it with yourself. We have to learn to deal with ourselves first. Self may not be comfortable but we have to learn to put it under us, have it controlled and submitted to our own will. This means that if you want to succeed, your self will have to align to your quest for success too.

Next, you will have to choose others. You choose, not accepting just anyone that comes. Everyone has something to offer but not everything being offered is what you need. There is much information and advice out there but the one you need has to be sieved for relevance. So many persons have succeeded but not necessarily the same path you are taking. They may have one or two words to share with you which may or may not be relevant with your path of success. The onus is on you to choose which one best suite the path through which your success will be arriving from. This is because, success is varied. There are different professions and trades which success can arrive from.

Once you are able to defeat yourself and get the right people and information around you, you act. Acting on your belief and having people around you to encourage you in the direction of the acted belief is propelling towards that success you want to attain. It’s interesting when you believe you can and those around you also think in your direction. It eases you especially because you will have the right hands and very encouraging ones to fall to in a situation of failing. We can’t remove the possibility of some draw backs.

We cannot achieve success without acting towards it. We must develop a fighting spirit like a man who is determined to fight for his life. Concentrate on fighting on till that success is achieved even if it means we are close to our last breath. Success requires strong effort, the kind that never gives up even when it’s almost over. Success always finds a way to arrive from around the corner just at that nick of time when you refuse to let go.

Push! Push!! Push!!! Don’t stop just now because there seems to be no headway over this long pursuit. At that last breath, you would experience a turnaround.