You may be familiar with the beverage whose television advert carries the punch line “there is a drop of greatness in every man.” I was a teenager at the time when Guinness released the advert that carried this captivating message. It didn’t mean much to me then until during a Christian youth gathering I was opportune to be part. The teacher spoke about the possibilities invested in everyone, he talked about our television habits encouraging us to imbibe positive lessons from the things we watch making reference to the Guinness advert and its punch line. The teacher called at me and said “Eke, there is a drop of greatness in you.”
Over the years, I have been enthralled with the possibilities that just a drop of greatness can do that I have asked for a glass filled with greatness. I am very much grateful to that teacher for tagging me to this punch line that has help me to not just to see drops of greatness but also cups of greatness in every one I’ve come across.
My experience overtime has shown and very glaringly that quite a lot of people are unaware of the possibilities embedded in them. They are shallow-minded, down casted and lost away from the glorious opportunities that could have being theirs if they understood how much they are worth. Sincerely, I’ve heard people complain about their incapacity to attain the height they desire to attain. When they complain and sometimes to me, I wonder what it is they are complaining about when indeed I can see all pasted around them “Greatness”.
I have discovered that once that initial drop of greatness is triggered in any person, they often come looking to discover the cup filled with greatness because they find themselves baffled by the uncommon possibilities that characterizes their new discovery. They come to a new light with an inspiration uncanny and deeply divine and they revel in the delight that it brings.
Are you in quay position at the moment and you seem lost of your true value and capacity perhaps because some person has ran you down?You can revel in the fact that I’m offering you now that so much assurance you need. There is a drop of greatness waiting to be triggered that has been left untouched because you never saw a need for it and even reassuring is the cup of greatness that will come after you have exhausted the drop.
The question that may be throbbing your mind may be “how do I trigger this drop of greatness?” I once asked this question but to no one in particular but myself. I needed answers but I never got one until I got into the university and found out that if I was going to get through, something had to be incited. I did these things and have encouraged many to do same. The great thing is, it worked and its working.
I’ve seen people who weren’t the best in class but who have hit the greatness track and are increasing speed steadily. I know the possibilities that they now perform that once were impossibility. So if you are thinking you aren’t there, I tell you bro and sis, there is a drop of greatness in everyman and that drop once triggered will lead you to the source for a cup, a bucket and perhaps a pool of greatness.