Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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We grew up in the early days of the television service when stations opened between 4pm and 12pm every weekday.  Those years were not like now that we have variety to nourish our eyes. As kids, we were familiar with Robocop, commando, superman etc. For those of us who had the dignified video cassette player, which are now resting in peace, we were fortunate to watch action movies that starred acts such as James bond 007, Jet li, Adolf Schwatzneiger, and their likes. Thank goodness, advancement in technology and the DVD age have provided greater variety and a host of cinemas to go feed our eyes.

I do not watch movies often but I relish good movies when I see one especially those movies that involve a hit man having to challenge other challengers to a duel. As kids then, we would say “actor” and “boss” and giggle over one amusing action that caught our fancy. These days, I do not just watch movies for fun, I attempt to pick lessons from the movies and observe one form of technological advancement or the other that our brothers at the other corner of the world are succinctly displaying.

Most action movies have a hit man or hit men. These men often have difficult tasks to challenge. They find themselves in difficult predicaments with a responsibility to come around them. Often when I watch such movies, my mind rings back to the many times I have found myself in difficult terrains and had to swivel my way out. Like this hit men, we have periods of enormous challenges. Sometimes these challenges are self-imposed while at other times we inherit them. In any case, I observed the tenacity of purpose with which hit men carry out these responsibilities handed to them to tackle, and like them, we are all hit men having to come around our challenges.

Being a hit man is not an easy task, especially because they often have dreadful challenges to challenge. Sometimes the difficulty index of their task could keep you glued on the corner of your sit to your television as they churn out almost impossible stunts to get over their challenges. They make us feel like, no challenge is impossible. You often feel like “did you see that?” They make us believe that inside us is the capacity to defy our challenges as much as we dare.

Many times, hit men become fatalities of their challenges. The enemy sometimes inflicts them with so much pain that you wonder how possible it is for humans to bear such pain. They often develop a poise to survive and they do always survive even if it is with a stint of providence. We may call it “film trick.” Sometimes, we may find ourselves victims of the situation we are trying to fight against and we ponder on how we are going to turn around this. Take inspiration from that movie. The hit man often manages to outsmart his enemies and you can get over that situation and will.

Hit men do have a “hit list.” They do not challenge or charge blindly. They have targets they must pull down before their mission is termed successful. You do have to have your eyes directed towards your target. Whatever you aim to achieve, you have to challenge with your eyes open. You are not aiming aimlessly else, you would end up roaming the streets lost. You have to drive towards achieving your goal and push hard against them. While you direct your energy towards achieving the big giant goal, you do have to achieve small goals in between to enable you reach the big goal.

Every target a hit man hits is for the general purpose of the achievement of the mission. Every target gunned down is one-step towards the completion of the mission. Hit men do not give up until they have brought down all the targets. You might have achieved little successes on the route to the achievement of your absolute mission, but the mission is not complete until you have achieved all the success you have to acquire. You have to strive to ensure no lapses exist in your pursuit towards success.

Before a hit man decides for a mission, he prepares himself with all the ammunitions he would need. As much as he grabs all he can gather, he understands that the direction of the battle may change where he would have to require new weapons or apply enemy weapons in his favour. You have to prepare your munitions. You will also have to be knowledgeable on the information that could help you to challenge your challenge and be open to changing circumstance with an ability to adapt. Serious challengers are ready whatever the situation and they open their minds to any hitches that may arise putting in place “plan b” options just in case “plan a” options fail.

While you relax with that movie, think about the characters and how they go about the plot, you will observe it is not just an entertaining story but also an enlightening one, opening your eyes to a new set of opportunities and understanding of life.