Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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As a student of life, I have come to full knowledge that it is absolutely impossible to know all that is to be known in life. I’ve seen that I keep knowing and there seems no limit to what I can know provided that I am ready to know. What this means is that there is some other person who manages to always know more than I know ad-infinitum. I therefore will be forever ignorant no matter how much I know.

The more we know, the more ignorant we become. Knowledge exposes us to too many questions unanswered and one answered question isn’t really answered but leaves trails of questions behind for a new chain of answers finding task. Think about those learned professors who have being professed as authorities in their field. They absorb themselves in much study that leaves them even more confused than they originally were and they continue to search for knowledge.

The men who created the airplane, the Wright brothers did so much groundbreaking research to produce their wonderful piece of human marvel. They had knowledge and so much of it to have being able to build the first plane. What they lacked was the extras that arrived since their creation which subsequent designers and builder have tried to unravel and will continue to unravel without any end at sight. The innovation of subsequent engineers haven’t taken the shine off the great work of the Wright brothers however ignorant they might have being about the new innovations that have made flying more comfortable and easier

Sometimes, we find ourselves around persons who know. These persons may make us feel small that we haven’t had as much knowledge as they do. Well, the insinuation is often untrue. Everyone is a professor. The title professor isn’t left to the men and women of the academia alone. It is incredibly baffling and if you do a research, you’d observe this truth that everyone in some way is a genius and each knows so much even if the much doesn’t mean knowing the same set of knowledge.

I’ve happened to stay in urban areas where education is given priority and in rural areas where it is no focus. The men in the towns and cities know so much about what they have to know to exist in their niche while those in the rural villages have mastered the art of living in their environment. Both groups of persons will certainly find it difficult to live in a different environment from what they have being used to because they are ignorant of what it takes to absorb themselves in a different environment from what they have been used to.

When someone tells you, you are not knowledgeable enough, you can ignore it. You don’t need what you don’t know to exist. This does not mean, you can’t afford to seize learning opportunities if they arrive. However if they don’t, you can get ahead with what you know already.

Many persons conclude that it is because they haven’t gone to school or had a training that is why they are still struggling. While having education is great, not having it is an ignorance you need to ignore. Not everyone was meant to find their way through formal education. Some who even had the opportunity somewhere along the line discovered it wasn’t even necessary so they had to do away with it. They accepted they needed the education ignorance to become knowledgeable in some other subject matter. If you don’t have it, ignore it and get ahead with achieving great things. What you don’t have is what makes the success story interesting.

Our ignorance just as opportunities stems from two factors, time and chance. The man who knows is blessed by virtue of the time and chance that has arrived for him. That doesn’t make him in anyway better or capable of leading a better life than you can. You are ignorant of a thing perhaps because the time and chance to learn it hasn’t arrived. You can’t however stop at where you are till you become informed. You have to set sail. Opportunity to get informed will arrive along the way if indeed you truly need it.

We find ourselves in a world where ignorance is painted as so bad a virtue. Well, if there is no ignorance, there will be no learning. If you are ignorant, it’s really nothing to worry about. Just ignore it.