Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You may remember sometime ago when you had a brawl with a relative, friend or acquaintance and you told him that you deserved more than what he was offering, that its only a matter of time before you get the right treatment you think you deserve.  You assured him that you would be higher than his treatment. Everyone seems to have this experience

No one loves to remain stagnant. Our brains are wired with the mentality of change however high up there we seem to have arrived. We think and assume there is a natural higher point that has to be reached from where we currently are. If you think this way, you certainly are amongst the many who know what they want.

While most persons think they should be somewhere higher, a large percentage, about 99% are fraught with the challenge of how to get to that next position or stage of their lives that they soon give up trying at all to get there. Yes they know there is a better stage they must climb to and they may even have had a glimpse of that stage they desire but they find the route to this next stage a difficult path to thread.

We are always struggling in that contest for the better next stage of our lives that we want. For most persons, we leave that next stage to hope. It’s not that we shouldn’t hope, but most persons “just hope” some better opportunity will arrive.

The defining act to climb to the next stage of our lives is to define what we think we want in that next stage. We have to paint a clear picture of how the better you will live. If you think, the next stage should include maybe a wife or husband, car, house, children, a higher academic degree, a better job, business, picture yourself having this things. When you know what you really want, it will help you take the major step towards that next stage.

That next step is “how.” Here is where “how to” comes in. you begin to query your mind, read books, study videos and other materials on how to get the better that you want. Lots of persons have gone through the same route you desire to get through. They have had almost similar experiences that you will have to tackle and maybe they have developed a fast rule that will ensure you don’t get by their mistakes. Their resources will come handy. If you need a wife, ask yourself how do I get a wife? If it’s a better job you need? Ask how and where the better job is. Whatever is in your next desirable stage, there is a “how to get it” attached to them.

When you are assured you know how, just act. If you think your next stage should include an academic degree for example and you have known how to get the admission, you will have to begin towards getting the admission by reading for the matriculation exams, picking the admission form and perhaps also saving some money for the fees. Why most persons fail to reach where they should be even after defining the picture and knowing how to get what they want is because they is because they fail to act. They lack the fuel to act and therefore remain stagnant where they are.

Act in the direction of the stage. Think of a burgeoning musician who is watching his model on stage and hopes to one day be on that stage like his model. He will have to walk towards the stage by writing and producing songs that will also get attention like his model. When he gets the attention, he will be given opportunity to the stage.  We are like musicians whose place is on the stage. If we don’t produce a song, we can’t get the opportunity to sing on the stage.

One factor that has stopped many from getting to the next stage of their lives is fear. We fear that our actions may not be good enough. We think we aren’t good enough to compete for the stage and we relax and accept where we are. Well, fear will always be there. If everyone accepted fear our world wouldn’t be where it is. our world is getting better because people decided that they should go for more and better at a new stage of life. Just dare, everything will fall in place.

There is so much more out there for you to have only if you choose to quit your present stage on to the next stage of your life. Just climb.