Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You might have had the opportunity of watching a mountain riding competition. I am especially delighted at the skill, perseverance and tenacity applied by mountain riders to surmount the rough edges of mountains however difficult the terrain may be. I decided I was going to look through to what makes the riders vehement in their pursuit and quest to ride over the great heights and difficult terrains of the mountain side.

It’s not unfamiliar metaphor to describe challenges of life as mountains. We are very familiar with mountains not just as that masterpiece of artistic creation of God that stands tall on the surface of the earth but also as an attributive character for which all the challenges of life can be described

I got thinking about mountains after receiving blows of attack against a nursery school, a pet project I had just began. Threats arrived from every side threatening to close the school and place bars to her growth. It didn’t seem I would be able to get through with the next goals and target that I had set for the school. I knew however that somehow, I would get through, but I had no idea how getting through would become.

I discover however that there are silent secrets being applied by those who have made getting across mountains an hobby. I compared my challenge to a mountain and got to learn what these riders applied and apply same too.

First, I observed that mountain riders loved the riding art that it didn’t matter where they had to ride, they’d ride any way. I thought that I must be passionate about what I do. Having a strong passion for what you do closes your ears from distractions. I decided that I’d love what I do and stand to defend it against external preys and terrains.

Another observation was that having a passion for riding didn’t make the riders successful riders at the mountain. Many persons who were quiet talented at riding may quiver at the mountain. Those persons could ride so well on national tours on tarred roads.  I observed however that those who made the mountain their path were the creative ones. They had to find wheels that suited the terrain, and brake systems that wouldn’t fail no matter what happens. I needed a bit of more creativity than the normal ordinary way of doing things. I have to think beyond the box for the answers, a thinking process which may arrive from an inspirational source. It dawned on me that some extraordinary flavor that is capable of outwitting the strategies of those who had set out to hamper my progress had to be developed.

Yes, when challenges come, it helps us think, create and develop new answers that arrive because of the challenge. You can’t quiver when that challenge stands before you as a mountain. You just have to find a sit, relax and ask yourself, how you can get around it. The answer is always there, may be in a book store, a friend’s creativity or in a parent’s advice.

I observed too that the riders acted in the direction of the mountain. They could have a great mountain bike with great brakes and fitted special wheels but that’s not enough to finish at the other side of the mountain. They’d have to ride into the mountain. I resolved to challenge the challenges that were arriving rather than quit. I was going to act with the new procedures and ideas that had arrived as part of my tinkering and information gathering process on the challenge and defend myself vehemently. This is the same everywhere. You can’t afford to quit because you’ve reached the seemingly mountain point. Just go ahead and pull them down, one step at a time, one challenge at a time.

You will need to persevere and push hard with all the energy that you can garner. You’ve got everything that you can have, all the information and all the advice, the creativity and the skill. What you have to work on is you. The mountain riders know the map and they have the right equipment, they also get the mentality to carry them however steep the edges they face become. They persevere and push till finally they get out of the mountain over at the valley the other side.

What’s about to hamper your progress over that project you had started or undertaking? Now you have the key, just ride on any way.