Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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For the past months, I had struggled to find my balance. I had being away by the hospital bed of my little sibling until she gave up in my hands. It was a difficult situation losing one person that was life to me. The immediate thought that came to me immediately she passed out was “pray.” I gathered a few brothers of common faith and we began to pray on the hospital bed while the other patients and hospital staff watched in amazement at the miracle that we were purportedly plotting.

I was imagining what could happen once she opens her eyes back to this side of life and what a wonder it would cause. I remembered all the stories of people rising from the dead I had read about and I was certain that God would hear and do something miraculous. Sadly though, nothing happened. It was when she was buried that it dawned on me that she was gone and gone forever.

Two things happen to every human. Everyone is born into the world and everyone dies. I had certainly concluded in the school of thought of Wiseman Solomon that life is totally vanity, and hopeless until I discovered that there is always a resurrection chance. Oh, I was told that I would see my sister again at the resurrection morning if I managed to live the life that would allow me that opportunity, but that’s by the way.

I have come to observe that death doesn’t necessarily mean passing out. There comes a time in everyone’s life when something dies in us. At these times, talent becomes useless and capacity that we had once developed loses value. Some kind of emptiness arrives that keeps us struggling and unable to find our footing. These could be caused by external factors that tend to deprive us of our joy and happiness. These moments are dead moments.

I had struggled with writing. I had plotted my graphs and expected that I was on a path to breaking through on my goal as a major writing voice when I reached a lull and couldn’t put up the pieces of myself together. I had almost thrown the towel and given up in that pursuit however the hard work and research that had gone into developing myself. I knew that in the last few months, I had lost my writing voice and needed some propellant to pull me back to that time when the muse arrived every single day. I got it in the words of one of my mentors, “if you can write, get up and start writing, if you don’t use your hand, you will make God handicap.”

You may have suffered my fate in a somewhat different scenario. You might have come to that dead end where you have given up on that fantastic opportunity or chance not necessarily because you chose to but because life’s situation hit you really hard and you felt like what you really had on those hands of yours are dead. The good news is, there can and  will be a resurrection if you just look away from what had caused the death of skill and talent towards the opportunity and vision that had once heralded your pursuit.

If you think you are dead somewhere, you really are. That vision doesn’t have to die because situations now have challenged its continuity. You have to make it rise again. So much as there is life in us, nothing stays permanent except we choose to allow it remain the way it is. Revive your passion, return to that position of best function, and continue to do what you know best to do. Great visions have to face the test of time, the lulls to prove they are indeed visions.

The true test of whatever goal or vision we intend to achieve only comes during those times when we are losing sight of the propulsion that once characterized the goals, that time when all we can do is just to stand and watch while our dreams and aspirations fall apart. It is at this time, that the substance of that goal arrives and how much we believe about it.

Don’t just let that quality skill, talent, vision or aspiration lie dead. It’s time to reawaken it. It’s time to tell it “resurrect”