Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Can you imagine a driver sleeping off while driving and suddenly jerking as his vehicle hits a bump? Imagine you are on the passenger’s seat by the driver. What would you be doing the moment the vehicle hits the bump? It is certain you would fret and probably ask the driver to drop you. If you find yourself in such a situation with a valid driver’s license, you would probably consider sitting on the driver’s seat.

 Let us place this scenario side by side with our lives. Many persons lead their lives in an awkward fashion such that they create a disaster for those who associate with them. This awkward lifestyle pushes them to a state of irresponsibility and finally they lose control of their ability to think for themselves.

Some other persons or even the government takes driver seat in their lives and they become chained to being led for as long as they can get off from their sleep. The many lives in our penitentiaries are testimonies to this. These persons often come back to their senses but they have long lost control of themselves and their direction and feeling tired of their new lives, they push for a prison break.

Inside every man and woman is a seat for the driver. Either you take that seat or someone sits there for you.

If you own a car, you are careful not to drive roughly. Parents fear giving their teenage wards their car key. They often have doubts about their wards capability to drive safely even when they have a valid driver’s licence. The reason is that they want to preserve the vehicle.

The truth is a driver can only guarantee himself as the best for his vehicle. Do not expect something dramatic when your life is led by the whims and caprices of some other person. They first would protect their interest before yours and that is if they remember.

Your life is most precious only to you and you want to live life as comfortable as you can think. You know the route to the place you would want to get to and you know how to get there. You have developed the driving skills. Come on! What is stopping you? Be the driver, everything around you depends on you.

What are the driving skills? They are all the talents imbedded in you and all the training you have acquired through school and practical experience. Your skills cannot be useless when someone else is making so much out of it. There is so much in you, which can help you lead a responsible achieving life.

Driving could be great fun when the roads are smooth. However sometimes, we face bumps and portholes which pose as hindrances that slow down the driver. Yet the driver of the vehicle been aware of this drives to dodge the portholes and protect the vehicle.

There are portholes in everybody’s drive to achieving success meant to drag us and slow down our pace. These portholes may come in the form of negative friends and ideas which if we are not careful, could damage our efforts. We have to be always conscious as drivers of our lives to avoid these portholes when we see them. This may be challenging but it is not impossible.

Drivers are poised to reach the other end of the road regardless of the portholes and bumps. Developing a winning poise puts us at the right position to overcome every challenge we could face on our journey up.

Drivers take care of their vehicles to ensure the vehicles serve them for long. To understand the concept of staying successful, you must take charge of the individual personality called you. If you are sick, you would probably not be able to carry yourself to the height you want to be. Good body hygiene and maintenance is necessary to remain bouncing for the rest of the journey to the top.

Obey road signs says a traffic warder while directing drivers. There are road signs directing our lives every step of the way to the top. These signs are there to guide and direct us. While moving up we must watch out for the road signs.

We must be conscious of road signs as they serve as warning against any disastrous occurrence. This road signs are like teachers, articles like this one, spiritual leaders that come along our way to offer words of wisdom and encouragement. These are persons sent by God to direct and mentor you towards the right direction.

When it seems you are lost of direction and you do not know which path to take, find them. They sure have been there and they will show you how to get there.