Ekekere's Motivation Bible by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I struggled over a board puzzle with a couple of my kid friends some time ago. This took me back to when I was a kid struggling with the same game. While the fun lasted, I had for the first time understood the underlying workings that characterized this puzzle. We were trying to create animals as outlined in the game guide from the bag of little shapes and we did succeed in creating the animals but we had challenges coming around them. The challenge was, there was always this missing piece.

My little friends had lost some of the shapes so this posed a challenge. While we maneuvered our way trying to create, we observed that we could not always get the whole creation finished because one or two pieces that would have being useful were gone. The kids would mourn “oh! Uncle, its very beautiful but……” and I’d reply “sorry, we need the missing piece” and we would end there pursuing a new task because the missing pieces were often far away from their search light.

Life is like the board puzzle. It’s never the perfect picture until everything is up and running. That slight missing piece is enough to rubbish the whole work and cause a sigh. You’ve heard people say “it could have being great but..” and perhaps you might have said so yourself.

Many times, we build our lives with incomplete pieces. “No one can ever be perfect”, we argue and stroll away into life with the mentality of our self-confirmed imperfection. We say “If I don’t have that, it doesn’t matter” and we agree to our blind eyes because we cannot see the possibilities that surround us. Even when we seem able to supply that missing piece that could make us more complete, we agree with our lazy mind that it is not possible and so it is.

Whatever could make you that more complete person that you are struggling to be is truly a must have. There is that perfect you, you wish you can be and which you have being working towards all these years. You have worked so hard fixing all the pieces and finally you are beginning to see the perfect picture. How about the final pieces? Find them, you need them.

Personally, I struggled with my personality for some time. I had these big picture in mind and these really possessed me. But I had to grow and I’m still growing. I started  fixing my pieces, learning to speak, developing an aura etc. I was beginning to look complete, or so I thought. I had a piece to fix, my dress sense was terrible and I struggled. People complained but my big ego thought that’s just an imperfection. We cannot be all good, I’d assure myself. I was wrong, something could be done to fix that piece if I had decided to fix it but I was all too blind.

We can be better than we are now. The perfect picture is all too glaring but the imperfect you has to reach it piece by piece. Don’t mind if some pieces are difficult to find at the moment maybe because of your financial constraints and perhaps limitations that debars you. You have to fix the pieces any way.

The struggle to find our missing pieces may be so difficult and perhaps challenging that we force ourselves to agree that the missing pieces are unnecessary and inaccessible. You will have to pick a search light and go find it until you get. Else, you will live with a “but” for as long as you are unable to find it.

The vivid truth is your picture cannot be said to be true if your hand, your legs, or any other part of your body aren’t on it. The picture must carry the whole you. For your life to be perfect, then everything that must characterize it must be available. It’s like an automobile with all its parts. Any faulty part in the engine is enough not to make the engine work effectively. If you must be the best you, every piece must be fixed to capacity.

Don’t overlook any part of you that’s not working. Any area of complaint around you means you have to work more. Soonest, you will be glad you did.

What’s that missing piece? Friend, you need it.