Empowering Women thru Energy Wisdom by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Will there be a future time when mankind will become extinct, like the dinosaurs, on this planet?

There will be a time when this planet may no longer be the seat of human interest and existence. What is more probably to occur through natural evolution on this plane is a return to the knowing of two bodies within your possession. Your physical body which is a temporary body, and your true self, which many would say is non-physical, a light being, nonphysical. It is important to know that this is a training ground in which you interact, potentially, with many other beings, so far, not many have done so. The point at which human life ceases to exist would mean that this training ground, in these forms, is no longer necessary. It would be important to say that if this were the case, there is much training to be done in other areas. There are others who need this place, there are others that you will not communicate readily with on this plane in this lifetime but many who do not cross communicate once you return to your true home. This place is only temporary. It is essentially a hologram. There are other beings here that are capable of transporting themselves in their one body between the two places, but these do not entirely act with you when you return home. There will be a time when a new kind of evolution takes place. There will be a time when even the least experienced soul is the most experienced and it will be a new time for new experiences. Each time man progresses in this physical place there become new changes and challenges as those wishing to learn here require new tools and methods to accomplish it. If there were a time of extinction completely there would be a new form. There will be times when the Earth is not the most hospital place to reside, there will be other planets, moons, and other locations that will be inhabited by the human form. A change of form is quite some time away and nearly immeasurable accurately by numbers and ideology. There are not many on your plane who can conceive this but it is more important for them, as they read this, to know that all things require change, change is the permanent thing. Conflict arises in the self and with others, in actions, in thinking, in focus when we do not realize that change is the only permanence. Permanent is not permanent, all things are temporary. When you cease to change and adapt you are essentially stopping your own education, your own development as a being. There was a time when there was not much experience on this plane and fewer experiences were had because beings were equipped in that way. It is less so now for beings to remain in one or two experiences in their entire life. Time by your clock is not picking up, your clock is not moving faster, but the rate at which knowledge is acquired is moving faster. It is not necessarily a short attention span that moves focus so quickly between subjects and study matter and interests. The ability to overcome or quickly become well-versed in a subject is what many are here to do, to gain valuable insight in a quick time. That is no way to indicate that you must rush, but if you feel that you have moved through many different fads, phases, interests, or periods, it is most entirely true, simply because you have gained from those things what you needed. There may be an interest for you later in your years and possibly later in lifetimes but there is no need for many things to be dwelled upon or within for an entire lifetime. As with all things these are not concrete rules, you may have an interest or a hobby, or a way of thinking that continues through an entire life, many lifetimes, or is part of your true being. As with learning the sense and presence of constant change, so should the ability to critically discern be taken upon yourself. It is important to know that learning is taking place at all times, and learning about the self is taking places, failures are failures, not life ending abruptions, they are opportunities for change. For many, the thought of life ceasing on this planet is unbearable, but when you consider the purpose of this place, the purpose of your presence, the purpose of learning change and learning all of its experiences, there is nothing to fear. There will be greater experiences elsewhere. It is not important for you at this moment. The future now, and in the long-term, is a bright one. New challenges. New experiences. New forms to possess with your being and new forms to interact with in conversation, mentalism, communication. Touch. It is all for you. You can experience new forms and other communication with other beings or forms with your true being while still connected to your physical body. Understand change and you will understand the universe. It is not to be controlled, it is to be symbiotically understood and cohabited with in a mutually beneficial and educational experience.



Mass Murder


Every 'Energy Being' or 'Soul' as many call it have what is known as a blueprint; which is simply a detailed plan of the life they wish to experience in their next incarnation into a human body. This blueprint contains, but is not limited to, when and where you will be born on the earth. Will you be male or female? You will choose the type of parents you require and so on.

All major lessons and experiences are worked out and agreed upon with your spiritual advisors prior to you being born into this physical world. Yet you do have free will and so your plan may be altered after you start living your earth life. Your spirit guide/companion who oversees your life (some call this entity their Guardian Angel) will still try to steer your chosen lessons into your path to be experienced no matter what course you choose to follow.

Many a Soul (Energy Being) journey to this physical dimension in order to experience all the many diverse facets of unconditional love through what is termed by some 'life lessons.' Many of these lessons and experiences come in the guise of disease/illness, genocide/war, assault/rape, suicide/murder, and the list go on. These types of life lessons are programmed into a person's lifetime, so they can experience what true love is and how to understand unconditional love through negative and positive events.

Unconditional love can be learned on a small scale or on a grand scale. For example, on a small scale you as an individual may choose to experience love through cancer, heart disease, physical or mental abuse, and so on. These not only teach the individual Soul about love of oneself through loss, but draws in family and friends who also can then grow spiritually through such experiences.

On a grand scale, many Soul's freely give their lives to teach love through such events as mass shootings, plane crashes, global disease (AIDS), genocide and hunger. There are many other such examples.

Love has no limits when it comes to teaching Soul's its true meaning. You have heard it many times before and it is still true today as in the past; fear is simply the absence of love. Were you to truly comprehend the essence of unconditional love, you would never experience fear again no matter what the situation might be.

There are no accidents, so if your loved one died from what someone would call an accident, just know it was a planned event by all involved. Not to cause pain or suffering, or to punish someone who is left behind, but simply an ending to a lifetime in which they had completed their chosen lessons and experiences.

Now then, using the San Bernardino attack as an example, there are many events that are planned prior to your arrival here on earth. This particular event, as some events, will be carried out in some manner prior to your arrival in preparation for the real event. However, know that some agreements are not absolute. This is to say that perhaps you are to experience a deep fear which you choose to overcome in your lifetime. Perhaps you live near water, in some way you may develop a fear of water. Perhaps your life has taken you in a different direction; perhaps you are living in a wooded area free from any significant source of water. A fear may still develop but it would not be the same fear. This, in a sense, is how all things work. It is not necessarily the particular event, it is not the particular people, but it is the challenge itself that you are assigning yourself prior to your incarnation into this world.

In these events there will be an agreement that many can teach a lesson, or experience such a lesson, or work together to experience and share in a learning moment. It is a great deal more important that everyone understand that it is not necessarily random acts being carried out by violent terrorists that many things that are happening

However, it is important to say are a balancing of energy. There are two sides to many of these violent stories. There is a misappropriation of energy. The contributing factors of these events are many. If energy cannot be expressed by a group of people in some certain way, it will find another way to be expressed.

There are many who say that this is your own government expressing control and fear over these groups of people. To some degree this is always true. No matter the motivation there is a great deal of time, focus and energy by your ruling populations that use these events. But this event is not an event that was at random on any level. Much of this was planned and predetermined. The shocking aspect for you, while it may be known prior to your lifetime in the physical, when some become aware of these events, when they are forewarned, little action is taken to stop them.

The fear and unrest will not stop, primarily because it is perpetuated in the media; no matter how minor or major the event. It is you alone, for yourself, who can discern these events. There are many who are using this as a method for greater control because there is so much unrest. There is not that much unrest but because there are certain main control systems that are slowly ceasing in their ability to control, there must be new and more extreme methods exacted. This is not some cosmic doing, this is the belief held by the ruling power. We do not see that this is necessary, but they do. We wish to state this clearly so that there is not some miscommunication by anyone who may read this.

If you alone can discern the events, realize that many agree upon such acts prior to their arrival. In this case it is for the education of many. There are deeper struggles which must be expressed. While they were random it was agreed upon prior to their arrival. Those involved will seek justice and vengeance; these are the worst forms of emotion for these acts and for these people involved. It is important that love be shed, poured, shared, and released into those acts. This is not some attempt to dehumanize or to humanize, only to state properly that man-made actions cannot stop man-made hate. The cycle that has been established is not one that has created a more peaceful cycle of events.

There are many who state in arguments between two people that someone must be the more mature party; that someone must be clearer in thinking, that someone not simply react emotionally. All acts must be evaluated more deeply, not just on face value alone.

It is time to treat yourself as a lighthouse; not necessarily broadcasting a message from the top of your tower, you do not need to force others to see your message, but you can share love and peace from it. Send into those events, those beings, love and peace, call for it to be so. Send love and peace in all directions regarding your living space, and to those around you. It is not necessary to force anyone, but when they are ready they will accept.

Energy must be expressed. It is not simply about peace it is about energy expression. If peace is forced, the energy will only be ignored and expressed in some other way. It must be expressed. Peace will come once the energy has been balanced. You can do this now.


Soul Mates

Let us discuss soul mates and soul groups and how they translate into a better understanding of a soul(s) experiencing an incident of Mass Murder. There are soul mates in your sense of what persons or people return for the purpose of interacting specifically within one another in a specific lifetime. This does not have to be a long-term interaction or a significant interaction, only that the interaction occurs, boy both agreeing, and by positive consideration by those higher evolved energy beings above you.

There are some who are soul mates who are engaged on long term relationships and others who have short involvements in your life. The purposes of these relationships cover the full spectrum of needs, emotions and purposes for development or receiving an experience. It is important to know that simply because you are soul mates does not make you lovers. You can have friends and colleagues who are soul mates.

Soul mates can refer more to your similarity in progress that has been made through your development as a being of energy, your true self. Though, it is possible that there is a link between beings that do not reside in these areas of existence within your true home world. There are soul mates who work together on progress, often these can be groups, not limited to just a singular pair.

These groups work to promote and motivate, or help to understand the experiences had by the group for the sake of evolving and as you might understand it, educating each other for the purpose of ascending to a higher frame of knowledge.

It is possible that significant or insignificant relationships also be of your own free will, or those that were destined to happen, or created to happen for your experience, or even by chance, and that those individuals share nothing in common with you on any dimension. Though, in many cases, in order for a successful long-term relationship of any kind to take place and be maintained there is often a meaningful accord between the two beyond the physical realm in which you currently reside.

It is important to see that there is much change coming at this time and that there are those who are destined to have greater roles than others. This does not mean that there are no soul mates, or that we are all connected any less than what you have once thought. It is important to see the light that is coming to you and is always available to you.

Free will, or choice, or that which is determined, however loosely, before you arrive, these are the things that make this existence real to you. It is important to engage in all things as though they were true and for your highest good, simply because you do not immediately know, it is important to take on all things important to your evolution as though they were bringing you up to the next level of progress.

Now let us provide you with an example or two; say you were raped or molested by a family member or a total stranger; just remember all major incidents in your life were programmed by you before you were born into this physical world. You wanted to experience certain lessons and events for your spiritual development and advancement.

Rape is just one of many things to experience from the point of the attacker and from the point of the victim for souls seeking to understand all the many aspects of unconditional love. If you, as the one who was raped, can truly understand the spiritual lesson behind the act, then you are advancing your spiritual growth, which is why you chose that lesson to experience. If you, as the one who committed the act, can truly understand the spiritual lesson rape can teach, then you are advancing your spiritual awareness, which is why you chose that lesson to experience.

Two souls come together and decide on who will be the victim and who will be the assailant before they incarnate to earth. After those lifetimes are completed, the two souls will switch roles and the one who was raped becomes the rapist, and the one who was the attacker becomes the one to be raped. This is so both souls can experience the lesson from both sides of the coin, so to speak, thus allowing both to learn what can only be conveyed in this physical world. Each then has the opportunity to express unconditional love on many different levels.

On a larger scale, such as a Mass Shooting, many souls come together not only to experience this type of event first hand, but to also teach others through this type of incident. The shooter and victims may all be souls from the same soul group here to teach others about how to express energy in one form or another.

Once you understand we come together here on earth to experience, what are perceived to be negative events, then you will see it is simply done in order for us to grow spiritually.

Forgiving yourself and forgiving others becomes much easier once you understand the true nature of what has transpired between you and someone you know, or one who is a seemingly total stranger. That stranger may in fact be a very close friend from your true home world that has agreed to assist you in learning or experiencing a much-needed lesson for your personal spiritual development; whether you or they played the part of assailant or victim.

Think deeper, and then forgive yourself and forgive the others that have caused you harm for whatever they did to your, or what you did to them. Nothing happens by chance, there are no accidents; you chose the incident to experience before you were incarnated into this world.

Experience the physical event fully, and then look deeper into what really transpired on a higher level and then come to terms with what this lesson has meant to you.

Master Teacher


This is the most advanced energy being that oversees your human existence, and those energy beings who are assigned to assist you. From the point of spiritual awareness your Master Teacher is the highest evolved soul entity involved in your human life. He observes and watches over those who assist you and makes any necessary corrections concerning those who assist you. When you reach the point of death, he has the final say as to whether your soul will be allowed to leave your human body, or whether it will remain to complete unfinished lessons. If he determines you have progressed as far as possible, he will then instruct your Spirit Doctor (or what some call their Guardian Angel) to shut down the human body and assist your soul in removing itself from it. The death process can be instantaneous or a long-involved process. This depends on what type of death your soul chose to experience for its spiritual growth. To die quickly for example through war, murder, car/plane accident to name a few, or to die slowly for example through cancer, stroke, heart disease and the like. Now if you are near death and you still have many lessons and/or experiences to accomplish then your soul will not be allowed to leave the body it occupies. Your Master Teacher will instruct your Spirit Doctor, and his helpers, to bring forth the healing energy needed to restore your health to a level where you can then resume seeking to accomplish more of your chosen lessons.





There are many urges that are natural to human existence and are part of your health books and biology classes. However, there are many other reasons why similar urges express themselves. Masturbation, this urge is, at its basic level, a desire to create something. To bring into being something from your mind and body, no matter if it is the words you write, music you write, a painting, something envisioned or created by you, a group started, anything that you wish to create. Because this energy is not being expressed in these creative areas it is expressing itself in the urges of masturbation.

Those who are involved with what could be called excessive masturbation do so because the creative energy is not being expressed and therefore you are finding the path of least resistance to balancing the creative energy that is seeking expression. This feeling you experience will continue until you create something of your own or focus on something more productive, something that creates a measureable end result.

There is energy released in masturbating which is the life force of many living on your dimension. There is energy in this fashion that is the root of many creative acts and this gives the beginning energy to many actions, feelings, emotions and expressive energies. It should be balanced and not lost excessively to allow greater energy balancing within the body.





Most materialization occurs during a séance where a physical medium is working. Ectoplasm is drawn from the medium by the energy being who then uses it to cover themselves with the slightly sticky substance in order to become visible to those present.

A fully materialized energy being can use their own ability to speak directly to those in attendance. Besides full materialization one can materialize hands, only the head, etc. Depending on the level of the materialization those present can be allowed to touch the materialized form. Other higher evolved beings may materialize into our physical dimension, for short periods, to perform some task of immediate assistance and the like.



Mayan Culture

The Mayan’s major advances in mathematics, astrology and architecture were taught to them by a small group of extraterrestrial beings. These aliens came for a short time to interact with the human population on an experimental basis. Those who escaped the last disturbances and destruction of that region known today as Atlantis brought forth their influence as well. The Mayan’s were introduced to superior technology. This was done in part for the extraterrestrial beings to study their learning capabilities. To evaluate how they learned and coped with the vast complex knowledge they were supplied. They were shown how to build their stepped pyramids and other architectural designs with the aid of the aliens advanced machinery. They were taught how to track celestial and terrestrial cycles and objects.

Those entities from Atlantis and the extraterrestrials assisted the Mayan’s in producing a variety of working calendars. This aided them in observing the constellations and helped to implement their cultural ceremonial events. The alien beings finally withdrew and removed all technology they had introduced. Through observation they determined the Mayan’s were not ready for such advanced methodology. The aliens reached this conclusion after observing many behaviors which they determined were not acceptable to them (i.e., human sacrifice). After the extraterrestrials withdrew, the Mayan Empire continued to flourish. That is until natural disasters and several diseases of epidemic proportions wreaked havoc throughout the land. These events decimated the population which in turn all but ended the spectacular Mayan culture.



Media Downfall

It is important to know that the last word on truth is settled with the person receiving the information. Perspective may play a role in judgment but know that perspective and understanding can be changed and opened. It is the attempt of many to share this information without bias.

Speaking words without certain motivation is difficult on this planet, and there has been much to cause mistrust, therefore not a good deal of information is accepted by the large populations of people. This is because of their previous mistrust of untruths told by the controlled mass media worldwide.

There is much being done at this time to fool you, to dissuade you from taking action, to entrench the masses further into a casket of misinformation. There is nothing being done to legitimately stop wars, end hunger; these things are not at the focus of the controlling group. They seek greater control and they obtain it in these acts, by perpetuating them and further allowing them to exist. The government-controlled media offers up untruths to maintain its authority over the fearful people. Such false information as Osama bin Laden being dead, the truth will be revealed at a later time that he was not killed by US forces and that he was simply a pawn used by the government to further their control over the American people. Also, it will come to light how the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were not from outside forces as reported by the government-controlled news media. There is a great warning that should be heeded by those who wish to pursue corrupt power and corrupt control, but that message is being ignored. There is only so much push before others will realize that false information has entered the governments mind as an acceptable form of controlling or ‘informing’ the people; those that the government should have been elected by in hopes of improving the nation. There are those in power who seek power and control at any cost. Just as there are wars with bullets, there are wars with words. There is a time for preparing and it should be enacted now; preparation in mind, body, and soul for a change in humankind. Though, it is not enough to sit idly and wait for a change, it is important to choose to contribute to the mass change that is currently underway. Son the talking heads on televisions, radio, newspapers and other media will be a quiet whisper in society, there downfall is imminent.

Currently they flex their grip over you by holding a select group of views and using only specific ideology. It is important to know that these are not the beliefs of most people on the planet. It simply takes time to break the masses out of information that has been given to them repeatedly in many forms of conveyance. This is wrong information. It is all about control. There will be change, but there must be more done to convey the importance of change. There is no outside menace that will involve itself directly and cause the overthrow of hostile governments.