Empowering Women thru Energy Wisdom by Alexander Zielinski - HTML preview

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Go before yourself and ask what you wish to do, see it being done. Do not wait for the universe to create it, create it for yourself. Create with the mind what you wish to see. This method is for all things, not in only work and health. Heal yourself with your mind. You have the ability within yourself to place your hands on your body or direct energy with your mind. This is not simply your own energy recycling, this is universal energy, that which exists all around you. Your body will use it, your body will convert it from a neutral energy into that which will be used to your benefit, for your highest good.

You can take an active role in your healing instead of hoping for some outside cure and its side-effects to correct your health issues.





There is only one soul (or spirit as some call it) for each life form on your planet. There are times at which you may experience other dimensions and exist in two locations, but this is your soul reaching out to these areas, or guides coming to you and bringing you to these places for your own well-being, or for learning.

There are times at which you freely leave your body and experience other areas. There can be knowledge learned when your existence visits these other realms but is not directly a second edition of you and your personality. There is the ability, in a waking state, to leave the body though still attached and locate one’s self in new areas. This is possible. Though there are not many who can do this or are aware of it now.

There is a peace brought by this because of faster learning. Materialization can perform an aspect of this by allowing one’s soul to a physical form in the new place but there is much energy required for this. In this manner, there are two of YOU in existence at one time though you are still connected to your original human form no matter what takes place until it is seen that it is necessary for you to move from one form or dimension to another.

There is no need or reason to exist in more than one copy of yourself, we all learn information and knowledge as it is all collective. What one human experience’s in one lifetime, all souls can witness, observe and later study and educate themselves on. In that manner, we are all ‘doubles’ and copies because we can all experience the same information that one human existence experiences many lifetimes ago.



National Rifle Association (NRA)


It is not wrong to fill a void or occupy your time with something. It is important to identify what it is about yourself that yearns for this feeling and bring it into balance with other aspects of your being.


National Rifle Association: Why are they such a powerful force in politics?

The powerful force of which you question is not simply the mind of a few gathering into a stronger force for some sake of protection. At the top of this pyramid there are a few who are interested in power and promotion of ideals beyond what the everyday member wishes to accomplish. The volume of their membership and fees allows them to fight stronger willed opponents and root and have collapse the campaigns that seek to restrict their movement.

Neither campaign, for or against weapons, is a negative mission, it is the purpose of the weapon in the hands of each owner that is important to any discussion. Giving every man, woman, and child, a weapon is not a negative impact, it is what the mission of the individual determines its purpose, this is the important aspect not discussed.

Their campaign is widespread but as with any campaign, their message is not a regulated one, we do not mean that weapons should be regulated, but with many campaigns the desire of the party is for simple unregulated promotion of their idea, rule, or law. This is the problem, for nothing is universal in the sense of development of the being who visits this plane. You cannot have a widespread rule or law for no two beings are similar, no two beings react in the same manner, no two beings will follow the same road. Differences among beings are not to be seen as positive and negative, they are only to be said as not similar to yours, none of which makes either being more correct. Violence will not be eradicated if all guns and other weapons were immediately removed from the face of the earth. Violence will not be elasticated if all guns and other weapons were slowly and methodically removed from the face of the earth. No matter the manifestation, fear and lack of knowledge about the self, these will appear. It is in direct conflict with their sanctions that any such matter be discussed about methodically carrying out their objectives. The purpose is to go for full measures in their favor, and in many cases, no matter the cause, you aim for the most you desire, fight for it, and hope that you receive some portion of that goal. Their fear is great, their money is great. They will not undo or create anything in this plane which is not already preparing to take place. They will not usher in new violence or eradicate old violence. It is simply an outlet for many of these similar minds to express much of their inner being in the way that they are aware.


Simply permitting weapons does not solve nor hinder crime and violence. Many are aware of the implications. Many choose the opposite means no matter the situation. There are no set rules that pertain to all beings. It is important to realize that. It is important to say again that no being is capable of judging any other being on this plane. You are not in a position to offer judgment against another being in terms of life and death. Though it will take this action for many to realize it and to grow beyond their current state. It is possible for all to learn and grow beyond this action, and it is even possible to learn and grow beyond it without actually taking place within your hands, but many will follow into it and then recall the experience at a later time and gather knowledge from it. It may take centuries and immeasurable amounts of time to see change, but change is always occurring in the subtlest of ways, contributing to a larger picture.



Near Death Experience (NDE)


What is the reason some experience what we call ‘Near Death Experience’ or NDE?

There is an experience for them that entails their belief in the afterlife. It is important that some be broken from this or be righted on their path away from what they were currently pursuing. Some merely attempt to break from their physical existence prior to their scheduled departure, not that it is to be understood that there is often a specific date or time. There is a set of goals, a lose configuration of what should be accomplished, once it is so, or it is seen that it can be only accomplished so much, and you are ready to make an exit, then you shall. Near death experiences are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the sprit can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension. It is important to know that there is not always physical trauma that needs to be experienced in order to bring this to a spirit’s existence. The trauma, usually interpreted by the mind, is often a catalyst for such behaviors to be understood. There is a clear break. This is merely an intermission allowing a break so that counsel of the soul can take place. This often brings about development of skills or abilities that use other senses of the mind to produce psychic perceptions or a stronger sprit connection so that communication in some or all forms is much more possible. It is necessary to understand that there are many who experience this but never return with the information they were given. Often, in subtle ways, their conversations while out of their body, will affect their life subconsciously. Others may not change. Others experience this information and retain the memory of such. Partially this is dependent on the person; partially this is dependent on the situation. There are many who have observed their body while on the operating room table or after a severe trauma has taken place. There is much that you do not understand about the mind’s perception and relation and connectedness to all things. Yes, your mind can give you the perception that you are energy body is leaving, though still connected, to your physical body. But there is awareness of all things that is available to all who exist. This experience is often that awareness being freed from the confines and shackles of the mind; it is being freed from the cell and therefore can perceive all that is taking place. Because the last moments before unconsciousness were focused on the impending injury there is the ability to experience the areas associated with this energy, therefore remaining in close conscious thought proximity to that which is taking place to your body. The others that experience this will also remove their entire being from the physical body though the physical body has not yet completely been used or expired. This is, again, experience that which is completely able to be experienced now. It is often trauma which unleashes the full mind’s potential and ability to see what is always readily available to it. It is not some trauma which makes it or awakens it for you. It was there all along. It is the ability to access this information which is realized after the incident. You can do with, you can awaken or fours on these areas prior to having your awakening through a car accident, a motorcycle accident, a fall, something that incapacitates the physical leaving the mind to not be fully controlled or encompassed and governed by the physical senses. Spirit workers can do many things to sustain your body while you are away, through extended absence results in death. There are specific incidents where other activity is taking place, where the entity never leaves the body but is counseled within; there are others where they meet with their guides and higher masters in order to alleviate some confusion which has possibly brought this being to a point of neglect and destruction. Others may have come to this point through no direct fault of their own but again, the mind is freed from the control the senses may exercise over it. It is freer. Your mind does not, and its awareness, does not take up only that which fills the empty space within your skull or that knowledge which you choose to read and surrounding yourself with. The expanse which your mind covers and can assimilate and acquire and is currently aware of covers all the known stars, planets, universes, and galaxies known to men on your plane. It is becoming aware through subtle hints, or what you perceive has subtle indications, that will awaken this. Many need to be told of the greatness beyond this current life you are in order to understand the scope of themselves and those they encounter. It is not necessary to always directly consult spirit guides or workers for assistance and guidance, it can be lived, a life without mediumship ability, and live a productive life spiritually speaking, but to know of the vastness of all creation, in your knowing and beyond it, this is why and the purpose for some needing to see the greatness that is truly all of the known existence. There is much that is needed to be shared in order to awaken focus into other areas. Realms are not limited to only those inhabitants that currently reside in them, and in order to fully grasp the complexity and yet simplicity and of the purpose of this lifetime it is important to understand this. Many are serious on the wrong tasks; many are on the right and true tasks but not in a focus effort. Many are urged. You may not have a connection to sprit which you consciously use or call for information for yourself or others, but this is still present, the ability to communicate, for there is always information sent, there is the ability for information to always to be sent to you to assist you. It is your will that exercises the judgment and ability to carry it out, acknowledge it, or to completely ignore it. You may decide what to do.


There have been many who have had near-death-experiences and relate seeing the image of or communicating with the being known as Jesus. Is this being Jesus or is it some other being or form?

Jesus is not presently a being that you can readily relate to in any way. There are many who worship him and expect him to come to their aid, but this is simply not possible. This does not mean that there is no aid, no one listening, no help or guidance, it is simply not the being you believe it to be. In many cases there are similar looking presentations for various beings for those who are in a physical form and cling wholeheartedly to the image and idea of Jesus. We do not at all discount or discredit the work of Jesus, many of the stories shared in bibles are accurate in their entirety, partially, and many others were ignored or dismissed over the years. It is simply a manner of crossing over and seeing what is most comfortable to you.

You question these things because there are children adding to the claims of seeing Jesus. There are images that are shared, and this is simply the universally accepted image because it is the true physical representation of Jesus on the Earth plane but it is not Jesus as the being. If you were to truly to experience another being on the plane of your true existence they would not necessary, and in most cases, not at all, appear to be a being in the physical form that you are used to seeing because of living a life in a human form.

As with death, as with all things, there are no universal truths that are true at all times for all people, a truth can be simultaneously true and untrue. While it is not possible to communicate directly with Jesus it is possible to communicate, for many, with Jesus. These communications are currently based on the life and teachings of Jesus and are related by a being who takes the physical form of Jesus. It is not important that a specific being is aiding you. What is more important and what can offer more assistance to you in the future is the understanding that this being you are seeking aid from is more often yourself, your true self, this is the being that can help you the most. We do not mean this in an abstract way in which you are viewing yourself in some type of mirror, you are currently, if you are reading this, in a physical body. You will not see yourself unless you leave your physical body and even then, you are not viewing yourself, you are only able to view a physical body, which you have inhabited along with many others before.

Many will see what is comfortable. Many should see that there is a group of beings willing to help and assist you at all times. No matter your current state, you are never alone. Many religions and many belief systems will have different names for these beings, many can call them angels or guides or animals, but what you see is what is more comfortable to you to allow the message to be the most receptive that it can be. We understand that for many it will be and has been a shock to learn about these things and to experience them. We would not send a form, and none would visit you that would cause you to mistrust the message. What is more important is the message, not the vessel that brings it, but often it is the image or the vessel that causes mistrust or doubt.

You are not seeing Jesus. Jesus is not able to assist you. There are many who work from his teachings to help you on the physical plane.



North Korea


Will there be war/military action between North Korea and the USA? 


There will be war or military action inconsequently. Their actions will not unite many countries on either side of the support line. There will not be a direct attack. There will not be a direct line from one country to the next. These two powers are experts at allowing others to play their games, even their own people – they will be subject to the leadership and its demands unless there are those who will walk away and dismiss this regime, on either side, as one that is not for the people but one for itself. These leadership parties exist for their own power, their own self-righteousness.

The clash now is due to the similarities in leadership and progress of the countries. It is interesting that there is so much finger-pointing, so much rhetoric available in the world that alienates the other party. In this discourse, the two parties are nearly identical. The same manipulative behavior by leadership and by factions of its own people against one another is clearly present. These are not difficult and research, though they are difficult for other parties to see from within, they are clouded by their own fears and other emotions.

The direct action will be because of the campaigns launched verbally. There will be no direct action other than political means, of which do not create a terrible environment. One can live without the other. There are many in his own leadership that allow and guide President Trump to this focus because they know it focuses the people, it focuses him. There will not be a greater time of violence than what there is now. The U.S. will experience increases in turmoil from within, not from exterior sources.


Will there be war/military action between North Korea and South Korea and/or Japan? 


There is a great sense of pride within these cultures. The pride is easily offended by some standards due to the nature of each person’s self-worth, which has been placed firmly within this system. Those who are in the younger generations, such as are experienced elsewhere, are in two broad categories: those who have been indoctrinated or follow blindly the status quo; and those who have learned or been afforded an alternative method of understanding. In the latter case any method of difference or room for exploration is as diverse as the mind is endless. There are simply those who are with the alleged popular message and those who are not.

We have mentioned previously about government losing its relevance. This is true nearly universally on your planet. Those places that are successful do not have self-interests in control of fractured governments. The government that operates is a very lean version of those governments who are considered the most powerful. It should be noted that those who are the most powerful are typically the most afraid of some unknown, some difference, or worry that they will lose power – which is only a construct of the current state of the population, it is no true tangible possession.

The governments here may seek a violent end though there is more unseen, more methods that are not military lines being drawn and troops marching into various cities. The methods here would be from afar, manipulative, and not direct in terms of facing the enemy eye-to-eye. Many would say that these are less honorable or desirable, but that thinking is typical of those who prefer hand-to-hand combat. These less popular methods are more devastating to an opponent. Unfortunately, losses will be suffered if any battle takes place. Casualties will be counted in high numbers. There is not greater stability in the following months should this occur.

It is not without effort that these actions take place. As in all events, there are those who will manipulate the manipulators to gain power and control. These will come from no particular place, as they will come from all the self-important regions. Those who have power will seek greater power from any regional imbalance. There should be empathy and willingness to defend and protect other humans. What is present now is the willingness to defend and protect the winning party.


What does North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, want for himself?


In his perception, he believes that his country has, for far too long, been the subject of ridicule and labeled as an outsider – a party that was not an equal on any world stage. Much of his operation is to ensure blind obedience from his own people, but this too will fade unless his government is seen as a conqueror or, at the very least, a global influence. It is important to observe the many similarities in these governments, their leaders, and the methods they use to extract influence. The methods may vary slightly, and more importantly, the machine that carries them will continue no matter who is at the helm. It doesn’t take a violent smashing to stop, it only takes the independence of the mind. Each person is capable of liberation and in greater numbers there is no weapon that can be held – it is not simply about protests and breaking laws. The systems that have been constructed to enforce the ideas of the leadership should be dealt with the same consequence as the system or single idea that is the focus or the desired change.

We do not mean that you must revolt and there should be complete anarchy. So often there are messages spread through your world that illustrate a world without government, some ruler, as one where no safety exists. This is not true. Your governments, it could be stated, have not competently held a position of power with the people at the forefront of their concern for quite some time. The simple absence of these controls would be no different. The change in behavior in this environment comes from those who would take advantage of such a situation, though they would not have noticed unless it was advertised and broadcast to them. Silent change is always an option.


What does North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un want for his people?


Specifically, it is very difficult to be specific at this moment. He is torn between the image he maintains globally and the image he maintains within his own stronghold. There are many who only know his way of thinking, but this too is true of many world leaders. Many constituents believe blindly that which is repeated often. You will see an unravelling as more and more generally held beliefs begin to fracture. The fracture will be potentially violent, but on the end of this progression a realization will be had that it was not orchestrated by the people – it was orchestrated by manipulators.

As stated before, as a leader he wishes to be considered an equal. There is some false perception, but also legitimate perception by Kim Jong-un that there is an attempt to control without bias. He, nor his country, should be held to some arbitrary high standard, this is not evenly enforced across the globe. He will be no more or less dangerous with alternative weapons or those equal to any other power. This focus on missiles and other armaments is completely arbitrary, but is his measurement of how he is perceived as a leader and how he assumes his people view him and their country. Constant control and sanction will not cure this “problem,” he wants no part of the power machine that is currently in the world and will not bow to a token economy that requires certain favors for favors to be bestowed upon him or his country. In one way, this makes him more ideal, though his motives are still power driven, he wishes only to hold it himself. He is aware that others are interested in it only for what they can receive from it, not necessarily the good that will come to him alone.


Additional Information:

There will come a time when none of these things will be of interest to those who inhabit the earth. There are many now who are uninterested. They see much of this discussion as an exercise in futility because they will not fight. The consensus, or reported consensus, is not one they share. This is not because they are without motivation, it is not because they are not patriotic. Many on the earth now are pursuing goals that apply to them individually, not one that opposes a machine that cares little for them. This is not a paradigm shift, only a subconscious realization that opposition is as much energy dispensed into an object as energy when you support it. The energy of opposition, when redirected into completely new avenues, removes the fight; the machine of any kind becomes powerless. It is not that there will be no fighting, it is that there is little to be fought. Do not allow them to bait you and draw you into those conflicts where you must defend yourself. You do not have to become isolated, you do not have to defend an ideal only in the way you choose. You do not have to take part in wars and armies for government which serves very little for the community. You can find an alternative way and work those things worth working towards. Opposition is not always growth. There will be more of you.



Nuclear Nations

Would nuclear nations be allowed to use nuclear weapons against other nations or would outside forces such as alien race(s) or spiritual energy from the unseen world intervene?

Intervention can take place after calculated assessment. It is not our view now that these events will transpire upon your plane. You must see that most political parties and the militaries they use as muscle are simply an older expression of children on the playground fueling egos and claiming the right to be king of the hill. Also, realize that much of this bravado is theater. For some other purpose, there is the camera's view and then the view unseen when leaders communicate by telephone. It is not as dire as some understand it to be. This point here should be again understood as maintenance of the mind. Do not let others fill your storage banks with their information. Receive after you properly assess; do not receive simply because the source expresses some stern level of consternation.

How much influence or control can those on the spirit side be allowed to interject into this world of illusion?

How much is necessary? How much is needed? We ask these questions to engage you in conversation that often some other-sorely influence is to blame for the minds of humanity taking a secondary or back seat role in their own lives. The law of spirit does not change due to circumstance and your own predetermined circumstance is often what determines the level of influence from those who are assigned to help you. It is not a matter of necessarily changing world events, even the smallest ripple in the largest lake will impact all banks. Interference is often a world used term. It is not interference to ensure a sense of global and energetic homeostasis in terms of your guiding plan. Any intervention can be made but too often this can defeat the purpose or intention prescribed long ago in terms of your time measurement processes. There is not some great disruption when an intervention is made by non-physical means. There is the ability to correct action which do not permit the person or persons involved to carry on to some greater level of involvement. Not a higher task in the sense of moral order but in terms of what they came to do in comparison to what they are doing. There is a great sense of cruelty and unjust action often felt when there is inaction to suffering. As with all actions, an act in the physical can make a correction much faster with much less effort rather than seek a metaphysical interchange simply because one is too lazy or passive to expend their own energy. It is this reason that there are specific decisions among your plane. All is energy and physical can impact physical. You can seek divine intervention to lose weight but if you continue an unhealthy lifestyle no matter of intervention will correct it unless it is truly necessary for some predetermined level of understanding. In this case, you can term it coinc

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