Essential Knowledge for Personal Coaches by Dean Amory - HTML preview

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yourself, then aim to go one better. Nobody will be the best at

everything they try but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try

your best at everything. (Anna)

147. Smile. Because somewhere it's making someone happy...and

pissing someone off at the same time. (Matthew, 20)

148. The more you get hurt the stronger you get. (BB, 21)

149. One thing I learned from angry birds (the game); same moves give

you same results.If you feel stuck in life simply change your move.

(Majd, 33)


150. Even if being yourself pisses people off, be you. Do not let your

fears of not being everyone's friend stop you. Don't let it stop you

from being the true you. Once you find yourself and learn to live

with yourself, you will find where you belong. (Alex G., 17)

151. Love yourself first. (Simphiwe M., 21)

152. Be sure you know you deserve to be loved, be happy, healthy and

wealthy. If you don't think yourself worthy, ask "why?" and find

the ridiculousness in the answer. (Bogdan, 24)

153. Life's too short to worry about the mistakes you make. Just be

proud of who you are and live to please nobody but yourself. Just

live life like there's no tomorrow. (Anonymous, 16)

154. Life is not about winning, it's about not giving up. (Siddharth, 19)

155. Do all the good you can. By all the means you can, In all the ways

you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all

the people you can, As long as ever you can. (Annu, 30)

156. The youths are always learning, pass on what you can before it

dies. (Elijah V., 86)

157. Life is playing a game of Chess with God. After Every move of

yours , he makes the next move. Your move is called CHOICES and

his moves are called CONSEQUENCES. (Vivek, 33)

158. Do not try to be other people. (Ashwini K., 24)

159. In life, you get as many chances as you are will to take. (Monica M.


160. Life is a commercial that will be over, but stay turned. Concentrate

on the present and never worry about the future. (Clement, 20)

161. In this life there is no person called loser, but there are people

who started from zero and stayed there. (Rowaishan, 24)

162. Every day may not be good, but there's something good in each

day; let's make the most of it; if you can't change it, change the

way you think about it. Believe the impossible and it will come to

pass. (Tara S., 39)

163. It's better to be a man people jealous over rather than the one

who gets jealous. (Ian I., 25)

164. Nothing is impossible, even the word says so itself 'I'm possible'.

(Dorothy, 19)


165. It doesn't matter how many say it cannot be done or how many

people have tried it before; it's important to realize that whatever

you're doing, it's your first attempt at it. (Geolabious, 22)

166. The day you will stop looking yourself from others eyes,you can

achieve whatever you want. (Vineet, 20)

167. Pay your bills on time. (Maya M., 28)

168. Work for the job you want, not the job you have. (Zac, 25)

169. Life is always simple.. but WE make it 'complicated' by our

complex thoughts. (Aditi, 21)

170. Do not waste your time looking for a star to shine into your life;

instead, make yourself a star to shine into your own life. (Manuel

J., 20)

171. A challenge is only a new way to learn and grow. (Ryan,)

172. Fall in Love with the Creator of the Universe! He is also your

Savior. He knows you because He made you. It's not about religion

it's about relationship. (Cythnia, 49)

173. Don't always live with the all-or-nothing attitude.Often something

small is better than nothing at all. (Anonymous)

174. Live your life the way you want to and not the way others expect

you to live. (Shiv, 28)

175. Do not try so hard to fit in, because you were born to stand out!

(Annielace, 53)

176. The greatest lesson I have learned is to walk in someone else's

shoes. This expands our moral awareness. (Jahlion T., 17)

177. The past has the potential of repeating itself. (Ernest, 31)

178. Life moves on, don't keep your problems. (Jake, 36)

179. Life is like an ice cream. Enoy it before it melts so make your each

day happy and free. (Chirag, 23)

180. Do what you want to do and don't let other opinions change that.

(Filbert, 15)

181. You're beautiful. Society is the ugly one. (Mary, 26)

182. Live your life how you want to live it, not how people want you to

live your life. (Danielle, 17)


183. Many people go through life jealously guarding a jewel that

nobody wants. Share generously and it comes back to you many

times over. (Madam Mel, 67)

184. Life is special, don't waste a second of it. (Stephanie, P., 17)

185. Enjoy life because we might not have the chance to do it

tomorrow. (Ash, 17)

186. Be honest all the time. (Alvie, 17)

187. Live in the moment; even if that means doing nothing. (HG)

188. Life is what you make of it, so I mind how I react to it. I believe

God will allow me to keep going through the lesson until I pass it

in his eyes. (Marsha, 42)

189. God determines your fate you determine your life's road. For

every road is a stepping stone. (Heather, C., 40)

190. There are very few things in life worth ever really getting upset

about. (Innessa, K., 19)

191. Watch out because what goes around, really does come back

around. (Anonymous, 18)

192. Give your best in whatever situation you face in life so that you

don't have to be surprised of the best you get from life. (Mayuresh,

D., 22)

193. Life is like a river flowing, if you don't swim against the current it

will take your against your hopes. (Thatayaone, M., 27)

194. Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

(Gary, 45)

195. If you spend your life, respecting others, all in good taste, doing

your real best and by doing this reaching your potential, but most

importantly spending life loving others, even the difficult ones,

who teach us, and being loved, that's truly a rich life. (Ciara, 19)

196. Every mistake is a lesson to learn from. (Collin, 18)

197. Things change as well as people, but that's the thing about life. We

must learn to deal with it. (JPC, 16)

198. Keep your chin up and you will succeed. (Gabster, 11)

199. Time keeps moving, whether you are or not. (Dakota S., 16)

200. Money can't buy you love or true happiness, but it can give you

choices. (Tony, 42)


201. When you make the friends of your life, you'll know them because

they won't judge you when you screw up, they won't complain

when you whine to them, and they won't attempt to comfort you

when you're inconsolable. They'll tell it to you straight up, no lies.

And when you're starving, they'll sit there, grin, and eat the very

last bag of Cheetos. (Maddie F., 12)

202. If you're working towards a common goal - why not work

together? (Shari B., 46)

203. You must respect yourself before others can respect you. (Welile,


204. He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything

and that everything includes wealth; so in your struggle for a

wealthy life, do not lay down your health (Estell, 62)

205. We are our own worst enemies. We are too hard on ourselves. We

easily forgive others but ourselves. Learn to accept what ever

comes our way. (Akwasi O., 50)

206. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies but a

great deal more to stand up to your friends. (Katie, )

207. You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone

who can be loved. The rest is up to them. (Joshua)

208. Independence is individuality, give yourself the gift of

responsibility. Do the things your never dreamed you could.

(Shannon, 21)

209. If you find yourself trying to hard to be yourself, just turn your

attention in your own direction. Do what pleases you and that in

itself, will be pleasing to others. (Shannon, 21)

210. Sacrifice is an option, happiness is your choice. (Princess F)

211. Always be ready to learn and never regret. What's the best way to

learn than from your own mistakes? You learn a life lesson with

every mistake. (Jeevi, 15)

212. It is not always you hit the iron when it is hot, instead hit the iron

so hard that it becomes hotter. Every problem is a business

opportunity, be cautious to grab it. (Somvir P, 40)

213. The greater the effort , the greater the reward. (Justin, 16)

214. Money isn't everything, because it can't buy love. (Oshai L.)


215. Life is like coin; you can spend it anyway you want but you only

spend it once. Don't regret the way you spend that coin and enjoy

the process of spending that coin.(Francisco Q., 20)

216. Every day is a step, if you fall learn from it and fix it. Be patient,

one step at a time is the best pace you can go. (Ravinder, 18)

217. The hardest thing in life is finding out who we are. Every person is

special and unique. Remember this: In thousands or even millions

of years of human existence there has never been a person like

you and there won't be for another thousand years. The worst

tragedy in life is that most people live their whole lives and die

without knowing who they are. Only by answering this age old

question will we be able to live our life with passion and purpose.

You are special. Don't waste it. (Paul C., 50)

218. When you are trying to be good at something, keep in mind that

only the single very best person has nobody that is better than

them. Don't let your failures trouble you. (John)

219. Life is a lesson itself, you learn it won't be fair, not everyone will

have the same chance of success, you will learn that the world is

filled with hate, envy, war, and you will learn that the world is

filled with love, peace, and friendship. (Robby V., 14)

220. Don't let the bad things in life bother you. Keep it real and be

happy because getting worked up about the small things is a waist

of time you will never get back. And tomorrow's never promised

so make the best of today. And then when tomorrow doesn't come

for you, you will have no regrets. (Chance, 16)

221. In life you have to be like a postage stamp and stick to something

till you get there. (Unknown)

222. Attempting to appeal to everyone, will in the end, cause you to

appeal to no one. It also makes you lose yourself in something you

are not. (Timothy W., 18)

223. To live a day saying "I've done nothing extraordinary in my life."

Is to live a day where you're trying not to make a difference.

KNOW that you are extraordinary. Make a difference. (Timothy

W., 18)


224. The person that will make you the happiest, will also make you

the saddest. (Jess, 17)

225. Expectations in personal life and desperation in professional life

has always lead me to unhappiness. (Gopi)

226. We truly are all equals. Never act like your higher than somebody

else because we all came into this world the same way, and you

could easily end up like them too. (Amber, 16)

227. Count your Blessings not your stressings! (TJ, 31)

228. Learning to trust again can be the hardest thing anyone could ever

do. (Megan, 12)

229. Never forget the impossibility of our planet, hurtling through

space, and cling to the surface. And every minute is wonderful.

(Bella H., 16)

230. While dealing with labourers, remember before extending

concessions"what you give as a concession today to one person,

would be claimed as a matter of right some body else. therefore,

be careful while promising to labourers. (Ramanathan, 71)

231. Even if a lie seems small, it's certainly big enough for you to later

regret telling it. (Tamara, 16)

232. Never change for anybody because someone out there is looking

for someone like you. (Elizabeth, 20)

233. Never pour spaghetti down the sink disposal. (Zander, 19)

234. If life was perfect we would never have a chance to find ourselves.

(Anonymous, 22)

235. If you find something different, cherish it for it may be gone

someday. (Ron, 17)

236. Life is a juicy fruit, just suck the sweet nectar out of it. (Sphiwe M.,


237. If there's only one person you can count on, let it be yourself.

(Olivia, 20)

238. Family First. (John R., 19)

239. Life is too short and worry to much. Live life meaningful and with

a purpose, it's the ultimate goal. (R, 40)

240. Whenever youre facing a difficulty in life, simply tell youself, "It

could have been worse." (Sunra, 26)


241. Opportunities are just at hand...all you have to do is to be on guard

so it wont pass you unknowingly. And once you have them, cling

on and treat it like a precious gem. (Omar)

242. People should'nt dwell on the past. Its enough to try your best in

all that you're doing now. There's sunshine in every darkness.

(Apsara, 21)

243. Life is fragile, handle with prayer! (Laine L., 12)

244. There is only 1 way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it

everything. (Aka K., 28)

245. Hard work will always pay off in the end; in ways better than

ever! (Katie, 14)

246. Live is a river we all flow on. I've learned to appreciate the peaks

and not to worry about the valleys as much. (Melissa K., 12)

247. You can't change people but you can change yourself and be a

model for others. (Genky N., 22)

248. What the mind harbors, the body manifests. We are what we

think! (Joseph G., 47)

249. If you want to come up in life listen to the inner voice rather than

everyone around as they WILL mislead. (Shanthi S., 42)

250. Live your life as a dream so you could always have something to

look forward to. (Abraham C., 16)

251. Life is too short, don't waste your time watching and judging

other people's lives! (Michelle, 30)

252. Never trust anyone. (Fa, 17)

253. Off in the distance there are calm waters...( my divorce mantra)

(Robin, 50)

254. There are no mistakes in life, only challenges that you hardly

passed. (Gina, 26)

255. Don't let people bring you down everyone shines in there own

way. (Angeliek, 11)

256. Don't take things for granted you never know when you will lose

something that you never expected to lose. (Shelby M., 16)

257. Depression only sets in when we look at the situation in our own

perspective, rather than that of our Lord and saviour. (Penelope,



258. Keep a positive adittude even during adversities. Ban negative

energy out of your life and you won't lose. (Rene)

259. When people treat you poorly, keep being who you are; don't let

people bitterness change the person you are. (Reese, 27)

260. Life is like learning to ride a bike, if you don't pedal you don't get

anywhere. (Paul V., 64)

261. Guard your heart. Because after all those who truly love you are

the ones willing to climb over the walls you've built up around it.

(Ashley, 14)

262. We make our own decisions, we can't blame other people when

things go wrong in our lives. It's up to us, if we something of your

life, up to you to make it happen. We can't blame our

circumstances or our family. We are all born into particular

family. You can't choose your family but you can choose what you

want to become. Everybody gets an opportunity but it's always up

to the individual to make the most. (Herman M., 19)

263. Opposition is a catalyst to progress for those who are on good

course and those who have something to deliver. If no one backs

you up God certainly will. (Adaji, 35)

264. Always trust your inner voice, as it is the the inner compass that

empowers us to align our lives to perfection, not the external one.

(Anupam, 39)

265. Where there is a will, there is more than one way. (Don O.)

266. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How

much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your

potential is. (Kathy, 21)

267. Life is to live and enjoy. You could enjoy life if you are a

contributor/giver. At the same time, remember that we are

interdependent beings. We need one another. So in short, love and

be loved; that's the way to live an enjoy life. (Karthik S., 35)

268. Always be honest and logical in your words and your actions and

society can never hurt you. (Sebastian, 19)

269. When through our life's journey, we become selfless, forget our

own worries and be compassionate towards others, pray for


them, God will always take your worries & problems off your

mind, your shoulders. (Evangeline R., 66)

270. They say opportunity knocks....well I say not everything that

knocks is an opportunity, I'm looking through the peephole first.

(Regina, 34)

271. The good guy doesnt always win. (Alex L., 16)

272. Don't hold on love too tight for you may strangle it. (Amina M., 50)

273. Even if it seems like everything is falling down and crumbling

around you, don't forget Newton's Law of Physics: For every

action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so soon everything

will go your way! (Sarah, 12)

274. Count your blessings and write the number down. You will be

surprised by how large it is. (KN, 40)

275. Just Don't put off what you can do this day, this week, or this year

because "one" of these days could end up being "NONE" of these

days! (Gabrielle, 46)

276. Reading can open doors that no keys can. Worship books.

(Sangita, 40)

277. Be who you are, because the kind of people who will only accept

you if you're someone you're not aren't worth earning your

acceptance. The kind of people who love you for who you are

don't need to be impressed with falseness. Be who you are.

(Sarah, 12)

278. There are no shortcuts in life to any place worth going to.

(Michelle, 33)

279. Love is blind not by your vision but by your heart. (Ranjini R., 19)

280. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. (Summer, 20)

281. A change for no change is no change at all. (Steve, 68)

282. Honesty leads to trust, truth leads to security and lie leads to

heartache. Remember not to allow anyone to be your everything

because when they're gone, you have nothing. (Noelle, 25)

283. If it won't matter in a year, it's not worth worrying about. (Claire,


284. A vision and a mission are useless without ambition. (TJ)


285. Keep your eyes on your opponent's eyes, don't blink, don't look

back. Be a SEAL. You already won. (Belkys, 48)

286. It takes as much energy to smile and think positive as it takes to

be sad. So get up, take a good look in the mirror and smile!

(Ingeborg, 21)

287. Have faith in God, love and respect all,aspire and work for the best

and glorious in life! (Dr. Rathore, 47)

288. The lesson will keep presenting itself until it is learned. Pay

attention to what your experiences are trying to teach you.

(Ginger L., 40)

289. 10,000 ways to tell a lie and only one way to tell the truth! Life

lesson, just tell the truth! (Jasper, P., 41)

290. Make failure your best friend and rejection your middle name.

(Janet L., 31)

291. Don't be the first person in everything. It only gets you more envy

from friends. (Getu, 43)

292. Feel strength from knowing weakness, laughter and charity from

knowing sadness, and wisdom from learning from mistakes.

(Steve A., 48)

293. Knowledge is good to have yes, but don't get so caught up in

trying to get it that you end up losing a part of yourself.

Sometimes ignorance is truly bliss. (Sam, 18)

294. Don’t let opportunity pass. If you have it grab it. It’s a waste of

time regretting why you did not do it. (Aimee, 39)

295. Love. (Olivia, 17)

296. In life we're taught to love the smile of the world, but the most

important one is in the mirror. (Nick M., 25)

297. Success and failure are equally available to all. Your daily choice

determines where you belong. (Chika A., 40)

298. I wish I knew now what I thought I knew then. (Kirby, 47)

299. Remember that your life is always Good & Better, than the one

who is hungry without anything. (Chethan N., 25)

300. If you feel like your life is all uphill, here's the thing, the view from

the top is amazing! (Sharon, 35)


301. Life may not treat you well if you don't treat her well. For all you

are taking from her at least give her something. (Olu, 44)

302. Things you do make you who you are. If you don't like who you

are change. (Megan, 15)

303. The most important thing to do after you get out of a relationship

is to stay in one with yourself. (Jess N., 17)

304. If someone does something that upsets you, try to understand

why they did it. If you can understand it, you can let it go.

(Mikaela, 14)

305. Dreams don't only have to exist when the lights are out and you

eyes are shut. (Christina, 16)

306. To say people can't change is not true. They just have to want to

do it bad enough and need to do it in their own time. (Michelle,


307. Never expect more than you know one will give, and you will

never be disappointed. (Meshell, 44)

308. You will only past onto this world once, so make the most out of it

by loving deeply, showing kindness and living each day as if its

your last with Jesus holding your hands. (Jennie, 30)

309. Never get too attached to anything . Anything . People, especially .

You feel like there never going to leave your side until they say

goodbye. (Gisselle, 13)

310. Don't tell you problems to anyone for 70% don't care and 30% are

happy for having such problem. Keep your faith in God and you

will never be disappointed. (Omar B., 26)

311. Sometimes life may knock you down but just pick yourself back

up otherwise, what's the point of continuing to live. (Divinia, 13)

312. Take a closer look and use your heart to feel, there's more to life

than we've ever realized. (Lyz, 18)

313. Fate brings people together, so we should make the best out of it.

(Celeste, 17)

314. Life is to be lived to the fullest and to leave a great legacy after

you. Because no one remembers what you leave with them but

what you leave IN them - that's your legacy. (Oluseyi, 36)


315. Life is like skydiving, you lunge forward and hope for the best.

(Mario, 15)

316. Life is meant to be tough, to challenge you, and to make you

stronger but sometimes, it's OK to let go of some people that

meant a lot to you, to help them understand your value and

importance in the future. (RD, 23)

317. I can forgive &