Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Being a God fearing person does not make you weak…..


Personally I hate this fact that people of this generation feel proud being a humanist, but on the same time they are ashamed of associating themselves with their religion. Many people I have met are a clearly embarrassed to talk about their religion, many hesitate to talk, and few others simply avoid any type of conversation related to god.

But one similarity in all of those people was that none of them will respect any other religion except their own, don’t ever talk about your religion in front of them as that will insult them. Just can’t stand such hypocrite approach of this so called Gen Z people.

People of this generation believe that god means the one which is talked about in their religion, regarding others…. They have baseless beliefs. This is not only insulting behaviour, but it’s a cheap cultural and moral value which will devastate our social fabric if passed to next generation.

My personal belief is that if we r talking about God, then we should see him as a plant. There are various types of plants with different shapes, sizes, appearance, quality, and properties. But we all call them plants, but we can’t be good with God in this matter. Everybody have their own stubborn belief and approach related to God, people can be open minded humanitarians, but none of them can love and respect god of different religion/culture in the same humanitarian way.

You call it as Generation Gap or call it as loosing values, both ways the younger generations have failed their mentors and guides. History acknowledges the fact that younger generations have continuously progressed (many folds) in the matter of technology and advanced lifestyle, but sadly all of them have failed and lacked behind (many folds) when it comes to carrying their social values, and in keeping up (maintaining) their moral values.

You can shove off this embarrassing yet unsatisfied remarks made by older people (previous generation), but the fact remains tall and unchanged. Newer/younger generations are not able to carry social values & the religion which was taught to them by their parents. Everything has diluted a lot, and when I’m saying “a lot” it really means “AWFULLY LOT”.

Believe me that the following quote is 2,000% true:

There is a reason behind everything (which happens) in life.

Here I would like to share an article published on (click here), dated 12th Feb 2015. You can search on internet and can find millions of such articles about Gen Z, but 99% of readers will never waste their time thinking about the reason behind those articles.