Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Gen Z is unquestionably intelligent, fast, passionate about technology, but why they are incapable of being the torchbearer of moral values? I request everybody to please give some time to think about that hidden reason behind the dissatisfaction of your elders, you all are very strong and talented, please prove your worth, please be an example for the next generation.

I would again like to repeat my words that I’m not planning to give some kind of lecture here, the reason behind writing this eBook was got give my readers a “Food for thought”. Now I expect you to tell me that we are too busy and we can’t spare time for more stress. I agree our lives are very busy, but this should not be a reason to ignore our moral values, our cultural values, or ignore teachings passed to us by our parents. Our parents have worked all their life to nurture us; they have given all their experience, love, affection, care, and support to us. How anybody so intelligent and educated can ever be so thankless that they refuse to pay it all back?

It does not matters if you agree or not, but the fact is every newer generation have their moral responsibility to carry forward all the cultural and moral values of their elders. If anybody decides to become irresponsible and give embarrassment to their elders by refusing to execute their duty of being the torchbearer then nobody can ever do anything in this matter.

But the question remains unanswered: Does your parents brought you up for this?

Nobody is going to tell anything to you if you answer that question honestly, or simply brush off and ignore this question for your remaining life. You have all rights to take any decision, but please ask yourself, are you being fare with your parents?