Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Do not lie to yourself......


We all are liars, and we start this business of "telling a lie" from ourselves.

Believe me oh my unseen friend, everybody in this generation are telling a white lie to themselves. Unfortunately this never ends, but we end up in a life which is full of lies and illusions.

Let me prove this, remember deodorant advertisements which tells us that their deo is long lasting and irresistible, girls will fall on you. We all are aware of the fact that the claim is rubbish, but still we all are seeing those advertisements. Seeing them is like accepting them silently, and once you accept something in life then you tend to allow it to enter into your life also. Which means you will buy that deo because it is advertised so much, assuming it is popular, and maybe it will do that magic also. Right?

On the other side they are selling skin whitening cream/lotions/face wash to girls claiming that their products will make girls like snow white. Wearing lesser cloths, torn cloths, flashy cloths is portrayed as fashion. But I don't think any parents would have taught this same thing to their kids. Did your parents agreed to doing such fashion?

Another common thing you can see is people wearing cloths so low that they proudly reveal their undergarments. I am still searching for that person whose parents are also wearing the same kind of cloths. Did these fashionable youngsters ever tried to upgrade their parents and grandparents too by helping them learn this new fashion? How about updating the photos of their god with that latest fashion?

This is the reason that I openly shout that everybody are liars.

World is full of Liars... Advertisers want to sell their product, and they will do anything for money. But why are we spending our money on such white lies? I can bet that such things will not benefit you for long time, you can never be happy, stress free, content, peaceful, or calm in life. Such people will always be running and trying to fit themself into the main stream of fashion.

Such people boldly ignore the fact that even if they successfully keep running in the race of fashion for all of their life.... nobody will ever give any award to them. In the end of such race they themself will be patting their backs for achieving this useless feat. In the end all those will sit in solitude and fighting their failure.

You really need to spend Quality Time with yourself to get answers to all your doubts, and I'm sure that we all humans are made so greatly that we can achieve all this. We only need to put in our honest efforts in life, and be honest with ourselves.

Nobody has ever achieved anything out of a life full of show-off.

This is really a high time to stop and think:

  • Shall I concentrate on "what I need" rather than "What I want"?
  • Is this really what I need to do?
  • What I am doing is ethically right?
  • What if I'm asked to do wrong, to benefit somebody weaker?
  • Am I interested in being a part of the supernatural?