Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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8. Faith in love

There is only faith, hope and love

These three and the greatest of these is love

What is love anyway and how is it achieved? Love is that feeling that comes with knowing the truth in life. The truth being that you are all- powerful as you and I are one. From this knowledge you can create the life you want. You can now feel inner love for yourself, which must be from where all love springs. Without loving yourself, you cannot love another. Without feeling kindness towards yourself and treating yourself accordingly, you cannot feel goodwill to others.

This is the love that comes from having a spiritual as well as a physical life. It's the knowing that you are never alone, that you are always linked to Me and to all others. It's the inner knowledge that you make your own life. From this glow, that starts within but quickly shines externally as well, you feel love for self, for others and for Me. That translates to thoughts of gratitude, which is the missing link in the puzzle of attracting what you want. First feel love and then gratitude quickly follows.

Why is love the strongest of all the emotions? It's because it takes you into the bigger picture of life. It allows you to know that there's more than just yourself and that you are linked by powerful connections to others. This link might appear in feelings of goodwill to others, or it might be a powerful sexual attraction. Either way it will show you that life is bigger than just yourself. As soon as the first stirrings of love are felt within the human spirit, that person changes.

If the parent shows nothing towards the child, those links are stifled from the start. The knowledge of connectedness is broken and only resentment and hatred wilt the stunted heart within. This poisoned individual dies emotionally through feeding off the cankor created within itself. No shoots can grow and touch others, only shrivel the person from within. That person then thinks life is only about themselves. There's only resentment and hatred within an isolated body.

Even if you feel you have only reason to hate, to become the bigger individual you strive to be, you'll have to have faith in love. You can't be grateful unless you can first feel love. Love opens the bud of gratitude. From this opening the first stirrings are felt. Gratitude will fill your heart with kind feelings towards others. It will point you towards love of self, which is also love of Me. As we are one, to love Me you must first love yourself.

But you feel yourself to be unlovable. “Most people ignore me and I can never get laid. I don't have the personality or imagination necessary to attract others. I'm just basically unattractive”.

In a society where billboards broadcast that the only way to gain love is to:

Keep it up for longer

Get waxed for that smoother, sexier feeling

Buy this and she'll love you for it

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

These all link love to money through buying affection. No wonder people have lost the power of love. Love exists through gratitude, independently of any material links we give it. It lifts the spirit and opens the soul. To feel love is the first stirring of a yearning for change and the bigger picture of life.

The only way you're going to receive either happiness or from there abundance, is to realize that you have to learn to love. You have to work on getting people to like you and from there love and goodwill will flow. The consequent gratitude will show in love for yourself and Me.

Be kind to yourself here. Stop always beating yourself up with feelings of unworthiness. If you're feeling self-critical, take a few breaths. Step back a little and look squarely at yourself. Realistically assess your good qualities now, that make you worthy of love. These qualities can be used as stepping stones to get you where you want to be.

–    strong character that never gives in

–    courage

–    optimistic and upbeat about life

–    self-reliant

–    works hard to achieve your ends

–    love of self and others

–    dependability

–    kindness

–    warmth

–    being helpful to others

–    thoughtfulness

These are the qualities that you're striving for. Feel what it's like to be each quality in turn. These qualities will achieve both goals – of being a successful person materially and socially.

Materially using your new power of faith, you'll become more optimistic. You'll set realistic goals for your work, but up those goals by 50%. If you're going to achieve what you want, why not start in the right way? If you ask for the best you'll get it, so don't accept anything less. Even if you have doubts in your mind, know that the magnetic power you're creating will bring all you want to you.

Your mind will always question things on the surface. That's fine because that's only your conscious. Write down what you want you heart to believe in your subconscious.


Socially you'll become more popular as you exude your new confidence. The new qualities that you're cultivating, such as feeling kindness to others, will allow you to become a more natural person. Maybe you feel now that you're “a cold bitch”, but begin to see yourself in the role of a “warm person”.  Love that role and link to others through it. See how becoming the role changes you. This will expand your soul and make you a bigger person in the process. This person can empathize with others and expand through the process.

Walk up to the neighbor's house and offer to help get them some shopping. Buy a book for a friend when you're at the bookshop and give them a surprise. Be thoughtful to yourself here as well. Linger over that coffee and cake and enjoy the gift of the moment to yourself. Walk to the coffee shop and just enjoy the scenery on the way. We often mindlessly get in the car, even when we're only going down the road, which just adds to our feelings of rushing everywhere. We'll robot-like consume food and drink, not even spending enough time eating and drinking to taste it. Calm down, start to relax and savor the eating experience. Start to live each pleasure.

Always stop to remember that love is your greatest wealth. To feel love is to know Me. Keep this wealth circulating in your life, by giving and receiving friendship, appreciation, affection and love. This then translates to success in all areas of your life. Through faith in love, you have just drawn the power of the universe towards yourself.