Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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7. Faith to give thanks for your choices

Ask with thanks,  knowing it is already done and you will find. Your beliefs are now being changed a little everyday. You are daily practicing these new ideas and with patience, you know your life is being gradually changed.

Before your life was full of uncertainly. Tension and sleeplessness was a byproduct of this. Now that you know the new direction of your life, what will help bring all of this about is the therapy of thanksgiving.

Think of children and their parents. If you are grateful to them, it means you love them and are in close harmony with them. This has made your life happier as a result.

This is the same with you and Me. When you know you are part of the bigger picture of life, this means you are understanding that We are one. This revelation allows you to live closer to the truth of life and the closer you come, the more your wishes will flow into your life. As your beliefs and wishes become the same,  you will see your desires come to fruition. The way you are linked to this process is through gratitude.

Gratitude acknowledges that you have faith in the process. Through gratitude all your positivity comes to the surface. It brings your whole mind (conscious and subconscious) into one with Me. This mental attitude of gratitude allows all blessings to flow to your life. Without gratitude the process is stopped and your power through me can never be allowed to flow. It's stymied before it even starts.

If you're having problems changing and good things still aren't flowing to your life, this is where the blockage is occurring. Unblock the fault, start to give thanks in advance and then allow our power to start working in your favor.

Many live in fear and uncertainty in this life. The way to change this negative thought pattern, is to start to list all the positives that happen in our life everyday.

–    I've just woken up from a sleep on a comfortable bed inside a house/apartment that I call home

–    I have friends/family around me who are encouraging

–    I have money coming in every week from my job/government etc

–    I have food to eat

–    I can walk and am in good health

–    I live in a good country

–    It's going to be a fine day

–    I have lots of opportunities everyday to help myself and others

Just looking at a few of the good things that happen to you everyday, you'll soon be able to start thinking on the positives. Is your fear of life really justified and is your life as uncertain as you thought it was? Ok something unexpected could happen, but if you now make a choice of a wonderful life, why would you live in fear any longer?

Without this gratitude everyday, you'll begin to fall back into dissatisfaction. Nothing will be ever good enough, you'll feel there's

always lack in your life. You have money but not enough of it. Your health is fine at the moment but this could change anytime. You're not as happy with your partner as your friends are. These niggling doubts will always leave you in negative territory. The good things of life will begin to move further and further away from you and no matter how much you try and change your beliefs, you'll never move forward.

Remember gratitude connects you to Me. Use it! Otherwise you are fixing your mind upon the common, the lack and the mean aspects of life. These then become your beliefs and of course your life starts to go backwards. Your life itself starts to become low and inferior as you're bringing the negatives towards you. Continue to give your attention to the ordinary side of life and of course that's what you're asking for and you'll get it.

Any one can list the difficulties and problems of life. Negatives are always very easy to think on. Dwell on these tensions and your life will just fill up with them. Every time a new problem arises you'll just expect more. The problems will start to fill up your life, until it starts to spiral downwards out of control.

But you think this is the reality of life. Sure you're going to have to face throughout your day certain problems, but if you've filled your day by listing the good things in your life, these are going to fall into perspective. You'll no longer be swamped by them. Rather than fearing to take a step towards a solution, you'll begin to easily come up with new ideas of how to proceed.

Rather than thinking, “My life is shit. I can't do anything right and can't see my way to it ever getting better”. You'll begin to think, “I have good things in my life. I have a firm life base now and don't need to be cautious anymore. My life can have endless possibilities for which I am very grateful”.

This change in attitude, will lead to the new life that you are working towards. It's a life filled with peace, a new calmness and consequently happiness. The grateful mind is fixed on the best and highest things in life. Only creativity and more opportunities can arise from such an outpouring of thanks.

Whatever you ask for, know in advance that it is done and give thanks. Only a grateful mind can bring good things to you, which can only increase your faith that more of the same will be given. The more your faith increases, the more abundance will be yours.

Faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind continually expects and gets good things and this expectation becomes faith. Faith that the good things will continue into your abundant life. So a grateful heart produces a steady faith, and every outgoing wave of grateful thanksgiving increases faith even more. Imagine what a life creative faith brings you. The possibilities really are limitless.

So remember to always add up the positives and practice gratitude for these possibilities, opportunities and blessings. This will lead to contentment of a life that can only be successful and full of all the best this world has to offer.

Love links to gratitude

An ungrateful heart is an unloving heart

Which comes first the chicken or the egg? The same applies to love and gratitude.

Which comes first love or gratitude? Gratitude or love?

The truth is that both are interchangeable, they go hand in hand and can't be separated. To feel love you must first let gratitude enter your life. You have to give thanks for all your blessings and from here you can feel love towards those who gave you these blessings.

–    your parents who provide food, money and shelter

–    your job that allows you to support yourself and your family

–    your friends who help your mind stay in positive channels

–    your knowledge of who you are and from here your limitless possibilities

To feel this grateful you must be able to love. It is impossible to give thanks and not love those towards whom that thanks flows.

A teenager sits at home bored. Watching a widescreen television, earplugs in they're playing games and listening to their iPod but still feeling restless.

Their mother yells, “Clean your room”. “Piss off. That's your job”.

“You little bitch/bastard”. “I hate you”.

The usual slanging match ensues.

Change the scene. That teenager is now living in Africa for a week. The backdrop is very different. Outside the streets are full of poverty. People are begging and orphans are everywhere. Their parents have died of AIDS and they are hoping for some sort of charity. This alone tugs at your emotions.

The teenager now knows their previous life was privileged. Everything they always took for granted, like their own room, school, anything they want, here it doesn't exist. All they have, others have to battle for. A long- forgotten emotion starts to emerge – gratitude. Their lives at home might not be perfect, but they're 100% better than this.

They write a letter home.

Thanks for the life I do have at home. Had I been born in Africa I'd probably be dead now. There is so much to overcome in order to survive. I've always had life on a platter. I finally understand how lucky I am.

They arrive home. From this gratitude, they can begin to love again.

“I've just cleaned my room. Thanks for everything.

I love you”.

Love will flow towards their family, friends and self. This is the way to move forward in your life.