Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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11.Faith in overcoming your fears

Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness Fear starts from small anxieties left unchecked

“David's been feeling this constant underlying level of anxiety for some time now. He knows it's linked to his job. He doesn't want to let anyone down and there's a big conference coming up that will test all this organizational skills. He wants it all to go perfectly and is afraid of not living up to expectations. In fact this is the main thing he worries about. He appears confident on the surface but underneath is always unsure. In life and at work a lot is being asked of him and he wants to perform well. He often doesn't sleep and tosses and turns worrying about everything”.

This constant stress can't be allowed to continue. The small anxieties will become depression and fear if left unchecked. They have to be looked at and  worked on now, before things get out of control and you go into a deep depression. Start to define what you're really worried about:


–    you're not good enough

–    you'll lose your friends because of it

–    you'll lose your job

–    you'll make a fool of yourself

–    you'll be laughed at and accordingly ostracized

This is the anxiety being magnified into huge proportions. To overcome it, you must magnify your vision into a bigger picture than this. Get the real proportions right here.

–    It's only one conference. By tomorrow it will be over and become just another one of life's stepping stones. In a month it will be forgotten anyway, as the next big thing emerges.

–    You're trained for the job. If anything untoward crops up, allowances will be made anyway. Nobody can foresee everything.

–    You've done a good job before and why should this time be any different.

–    Give yourself a few minutes to take a few deep breaths to see events more objectively.

–    I'm here for you, so you're never alone. Just ask for help and it's there.

–    Be confident and it will happen. If any anxieties crop up such as a negative thought, “I can't do it”, just drop that from your mind with the corresponding positive thought, “Why can't I? Of course I can”.  Never allow random thinking to enter your mind. Just pull yourself back with the precise positive thought to counteract the negative one.

Anxiety needs to be pulled up at the roots continually. Give it any room in your mind and it will take root again and turn into a fear. Allow fear to fester and it will destroy your life. Take action now – get your worries into perspective.

The two most powerful driving forces are libido and fear of death.

So anxiety if unchecked becomes fear and at the bottom of all fear is fear of death.

Let's look at some common fears:

Agrophobia – fear of going outside. You could get killed.

Loneliness – when it becomes isolation it feels like death

Fear of failure – this leads to loneliness

Fear of flying, swimming, illness – death

Fear of lose of money or job (recession) - failure and loneliness

How does fear change with time? Through sixty years of unprecedented freedom and wealth generation, we have forgotten what real fear is. We have experienced tsunamis, bomb blasts and buildup of nuclear weapons during this time, but usually from a distance. Fear has generally become a second hand fear. Through the media we can empathize with this fear, but in past generations that fear was experienced first hand on a daily basis. Experiencing fear first hand means it can be pinpointed precisely. Second hand fears often cripple a person more easily,  as these are nameless and people can't sympathize as easily.

“I've lost a lot of money in the recession. I'm in my late fifties and too old to start again. My family expected some help but now we're the ones needing the help. The fear gnaws away at me day and night. I tell people and they tell me things will work out, but the specter hangs over me. I'm feeling angry and blaming myself. I know that's stupid but I don't know what else to do”.

This recession is the biggest fear to hit since WW11. It was created by the wealthy, but of course has hit the poor the hardest. Not just the working class, but the middle class as well. When the banks crashed, so did the stock market and the cards of economy were bowled over one by one. Pension funds collapsed, so that the most vulnerable were again the hardest hit. Fears arose of no money, no security and increasing isolation and loneliness with age.

Look at your conscious and subconscious thoughts here. They're going to affect how you're going to get out of this situation.


“I'd be better off dead. What have I got to live for?”.


“I'm a fighter and want to live. My life force is strong. I'm going nowhere. If I'm going to survive this and have this much strength behind me, I'm going to come out on top. I just have to use this strength”.

People who “would be better dead” don't want to die! Those who apparently have got everything to live for, just let themselves fade out of life because they haven't got the energy to fight.

If your subconscious wants to live, it's no good your brain saying the other. You're here for the long-term. So how do you want that time to be spent? With no money, alone and  feeling miserable or with a happy and abundant life?

So it's time to use your strength now. Head to the light and life. You are Me in a physical form so all-powerful. You know this, so even though your mind is depressed and focusing on death at present, your soul isn't. That's where you and I are together. At the moment your life is in lack. You've lost your money, security and even your family support right now, but that doesn't always have to be so. You can decide on the path of plenty.

Get your mind back to faith. Faith in yourself, faith in life, faith in Me. Each morning when you wake up, wherever that is, give thanks for just being alive firstly. Give thanks for the strength that will get you out of the mess you're in. Without a grateful heart you will never be able to move in a positive direction. Through gratitude comes love, and the feeling that connects you to all people, including family and friends.

You think you're in a bad situation. But there are many millions worse off than you always. So help yourself and others and know this generosity of spirit will help lift you and them from the present situation. Kindness to yourself and lack of blame will always be a great positive force.

When your heart gets heavy, which it will be at times, take it away from that moment and once again reside in the most beautiful and serene place of your dreams. You're back at the lake you used to fish in as a child, climbing green mountains, inside your dream picture. This will refresh your weary spirits and have you again thinking in peaceful, fulfilling channels, using your energy to reposition your thinking.

Your cents will become dollars if you use money wisely. Just keep seeing your pile of dollars grow, which they will when you're using your power correctly. I want you to be a happy and peaceful person. I choose abundance to flow to you. You just have to be able to accept it with love and thanks.