Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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13.Faith in healing

If you would perfect your body guard your mind

If you would renew your body beautify your mind.

I created your body as a perfect instrument with which to enjoy this physical life. It has vigor and grace. Enough to take you into an old age where life can still be lived to the full and enjoyed. But of course this takes your acquiescence. It must be constantly exercised, your mind challenged and expanded. You have to eat the right food, not just what's easy for you. No smoking, drinking or drugs of course puts you in the right health territory.

Let's face it, how can you be healthy when you're perpetually filling your mind and body with total shit and allowing this to sit for years in your brain and gut? Your unconscious knows what's right and as I've always told you – purity creates purity. Shit creates shit. Think about it. How can you lug around double your body weight? You're going to get sick. How can you breathe in car fumes and smoke cigarettes day in and day out and not get sick? How can your mind be loaded with bad news constantly and for it not to affect your anxiety levels?

You're not just carrying around extra fat and a diseased liver. You're carrying around a diseased mind as well. Where's all that cynicism, suspicion and ill-will coming from? You've built up these barriers over the years and didn't even realize you were doing it. I've always chosen an abundant and peaceful life for you. But you're choosing the opposite. Stress, worry, constant pressure. Well if that's what you want here comes illness. Another mystery illness that your body's immune system is powerless to knock out. You've destroyed it by your own actions.

Your body is perfectly capable of healing itself naturally. Ninety eight percent of your cells are replaced annually. Your bone cells take about three months to regenerate, your liver takes about six months. Your stomach lining renews every four days and your skin is replaced monthly. So why are many people continually sick? Everything is in place to prevent this.

This must mean that something you're doing to yourself is preventing healing. Is it:

1. Alcohol destroying your liver or cigarettes and drugs

2. The Western diet which is nearly totally acidic perpetually destroying your stomach lining

3. Too much sugar and salt in all processed foods

4. High sodium content in many foods

5. Not enough hydrating water. Most other drinks are actually diuretics.

6. Shallow breathing. This means that your lungs aren't being exercised enough.

7. Too little exercise

8. Not giving yourself any means of overcoming stress. The body and mind need constant destressing. Give yourself constant breaks throughout your day to relax your shoulders and watch your breathing. In out, in out. Visualize your happiest time or place. Take your mind there, while your body is breathing. When you come back, you'll feel refreshed and relaxed.

9. Not controlling your negative thought patterns. Your conscious mind has got stuck in well-worn grooves that are destroying your body.

Remember the body is the servant of the mind. Whether you know it or not, it is obeying, either consciously or automatically the dictates of the mind. Step back and look at the constant thoughts in your mind. Drop the hatred and fear and replace these with courage and positivity.

Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body and lays it open to disease. Positive thoughts build up the body and aid the immune system.

10.Not acknowledging who you are. You're not a lonely victim of life who has lost all control. You're Me in a physical form and as such all- powerful. You're choosing your life every second of everyday. So if it's not the life you want, stop and make another choice. I'm always here to help with that new choice.

11.No matter who you go to for help about your health (either doctors, nurses, therapists), you have to understand, the only person who is really the healer is you.

Your body produces cancerous cells everyday that are detected and destroyed by the immune system. However, if your body isn't balanced due to one or many of the reasons above, these cancerous cells can start to multiply. So widows are twice as likely to develop breast cancer and the chronically depressed are four times more likely to become ill.

Scientists have linked certain emotions with the release of chemicals. Fear triggers the hormone adrenaline and happiness floods the system with endorphins. These excess chemicals can lead to disease or help overcome it. So the mind through this, becomes directly linked to the body and it's ability to develop or overcome illness.

You are made up of energy vibrating at a high rate, so other energy affects you. This can be from radio waves, mobile phone waves or thought waves. So if your thought waves are constantly anger or stress related, dangerous adrenaline will be released into the system causing blockages and other physical damage. Unless the body can get out of this pattern, disease will result.

This story showing faith in healing comes from the men's pole vault

Olympic and World champion.

“In Berlin at the World Track and Field Championships, ten days before the event, Steve Hooker planted his pole for a practice jump and he felt his adductor muscle go. Doctors diagnosed a grade one tear and a three to four week lay off. The tear worsened, coach and doctor begged him not to compete fearing permanent damage.

What was he going to do? He had two other strong competitors vying for his title. If he didn't compete he would no longer be world champion. He was in strong pain, but was granted special permission for a pain-killing injection two hours prior to competition. The bar was set at 5.85m. He jumped but failed. Suddenly the pain eased a little. With increasing courage, he then set the bar higher at 5.90m. The other competitors tried and failed.

It was up to him. The pain left his mind, he knew he could do it. Off he flew, planting his pole and over the bar. He had made 5.90m. It was a miracle. All the other teams just shook their heads in disbelief. Only a superhuman could achieve that height, with that injury. He had done it!

“He's an amazing athlete and human being. He can have an injury and it shows up on the MRI but he acts like it's nothing,” said his doctor. His coach called it a miracle.