Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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There are four steps to self healing.

1. Acknowledgment

You have to finally admit to yourself that you are in need of self-healing. The first step to solving any problem,  is the acknowledgment that something needs to be done to get your life back on track. If you are having difficulties coping in life, you have to do something about it. It could be a physical and/or psychological combination of issues. There could be a sympton you are trying to ignore – do something about this as it will come out as an illness sooner or later.

2. Acceptance

After acknowledging the illness, you have to accept that everything is as it should be right now. This will give you the patience and time to heal. Everyone wants their life to be perfect, but there is learning and changes to be made,  in order to receive the abundance on offer. Stop always striving to achieve. You need to accept people, situations and events as they occur. Time and patience will heal.

I am here to help with your healing. Take responsibility and use the power that is within. Learn to balance your life as only then can your move forward.

If you have a really serious illness, or have had a major accident there are two possibilities. Either you have chosen unconsciously that this is the

time for you to leave your body, or it's your body's final attempt to get your attention. It's a cry of help. You need to change and haven't been doing anything about it. At last changes have to be made.

3. Awareness

What is at the root of your illness? You have to have time to explore this. Our society is always based on doing rather than being, so this is your body saying some exploration is necessary. Don't just give your time away. So many people are other-focused. Your life is devoted to your children, parents, the family. You have to give yourself time. Guilt will destroy you if left to fester, so in order to know yourself, you have to be selfish. Give yourself time to reflect and to take the necessary steps to what you need. Ask for help here. I'm here for internal reflection, your family's there for external necessities. Keep running yourself ragged and your life will unravel anyway.

Health-care professions will help if necessary,  to give you some insights into the way you need to make changes to your body and mind. Allowing your mind to continue along these same patterns that's caused the problem in the first place, will only increase the problems.

As balance starts to return, give thanks for any changes that have taken place. Gratitude increases balance and the gifts you are now open to receive. Be aware that your body and mind need to be kept serene and peaceful. Give yourself space to do this and practice breathing and meditation daily. Take your mind into peaceful places, rather than the anxious places it usually heads into. Continually guard and check your thoughts and actions, as they are what lead back to health.

4. Action

Act on lessons learned in order to heal your life. This will involve a lot of introspection on your part, to change habits that have led to illness. All self-healing is about change. If you are sick, there must be something wrong in your life. To progress on the road to recovery, often drastic measures need to be initiated. You have to examine your life.

1. Look at your relationships. These will show you your thoughts and beliefs. You are either becoming more and more like your parents, or you are completely opposite to them. Examine these patterns that have been allowed to build up over years. Remember be kind to yourself here. You're the sick one. Others will be still making demands based on past experience, but you can't allow this to happen. Step back and become selfish. You have to say “no” and keep on doing this, until the demanding person understands. You might even need to have a break from a long-term relationship here for a time. You'll initially feel guilty, but over time I'll sort things out.

“Peter's mother always expected help. Drive me here, help me with the shopping, ring the doctor for me. When Peter finally was crushed beneath these demands and developed prostate cancer, something had to be done. Excuses had to be made. He had to step back and realize it wasn't good for either his mother nor himself, to allow this victim role to continue. Screams were initially heard from his mother. But over time, she learned to cope more without him and a better relationship developed. He was allowing himself the space to heal”.

2. Your job. This could be making you sick. If you feel constant stress and unable to cope, you either have to change your job or your attitude to that job. You can't go on the way things are going. Delegate work, talk to your boss, take some time off. Boost your self confidence here and know how well you do the job. If appreciation is the problem, see how the company copes without you. You're not indispensable, no one is, but everyone contributes. Assess how much you give and if you feel the return isn't enough, think of applying for another job. If you can change your outlook then you don't need to.

3. Your life. Are you locked in the past, always thinking of what happened then and consequently unable to move forward?  You're no longer alone with these memories. Your past can't be changed, but when you finally understand that you chose this past in order to experience and grow in this life. Then you can move on. I'm here to help and change this past inertia into positive movement. Be kind to yourself and ask for healing in your life. Take the steps you need to energize yourself.

Just for today let go of anger

Just for today let go of worry

Today I will count my many blessings

Today I will do my work honestly

Today I will be kind to every living creature.

To heal yourself steps need to be small and in a forward motion. Then the changes will become permanent.

When one has walked in the valley of the shadow of death and come out into the sunshine then a new life begins.

If you have a really serious illness or have had a major accident there are two possibilities. Either you have chosen unconsciously that it's time to leave your body, or it's time to overhaul your life completely. This is a near death experience and is your final warning to change your life.

Walking with the shadow of death will show you that bigger picture you've been striving to see. Many are so bogged down with everyday life, that drastic measures have to happen in order for them to see that there's more to life than they can see.

It's time to plug into that huge untapped energy source that is Me and you. Use the power being supplied for healing and for spiritual development. Awareness can only increase your harnessing of this power. Stop being the life victim and become the life maximiser.

This is Adam's story.

“I borrowed my father's car one night. Just to pick up some friends for a party. It wasn't far and I knew I was a good driver. I didn't have a license but I had practiced so often that I knew how to drive. How cool was that! The party was pumping and with the olds away we were all pretty smashed by the end. I had to get the car home and everyone wanted to come with me.

In we piled and I started the engine. What a great driver I was. I could drive out of my mind as well as I could totally sober. I just felt more and more confident. I could do anything.

Flat to the floor, I pumped the engine and we shot forward. The feeling of power made us all scream with exhileration. We were wild. Faster, faster everyone was screaming. Suddenly something loomed up out of the road. I couldn't take the corner properly and we ploughed into a tree. The last thing I remember was the thump and the screams.

I'm fine. I survived well unlike my mates. Most of them are dead or being looked after permanently by their families.

I keep asking myself, “Why? Why?” They came with me in the car, but ultimately I'm responsible. I realize I've been spared and have to live now for many.

I'm kinder to myself now and others. I hated my parents for their restrictions before, but now understand their responsibility. I am still here unlike so many. I have to make my life count for them as well as me”.