Faith Finders by EL Howard - HTML preview

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What science calls energy

Religions call God

Therefore all is energy

All is God

The essence of God is love

There are many religions in the world. Each has a messenger or prophet upon which the religion is founded. They are usually a mixture of superstition and myth, which of course can be used to justify any human action - terrorism being the most blatant example of religious zealotry at its most lethal. Religion throughout the ages has been used to bind society together using the fear factor of death. Wars have been justified as being fought with “God on our side”. Pity he's always seen to be on every side, according to the opposing side's religion. Is our grasping at straws to justify our actions anything to do with a higher power? No. Religion is human, spirituality is divine and transcends religion.

In the end there's only you. You are the energy source, you are God. No matter how little you know, or even how little you think you have faith to believe, the next time you need answers to life: be still! Stop all feverish activity instantly, and go to your place of sanctuary. This can be somewhere that you've stored up within your mind, or a real place that stops the constant drone of noise. Breath deeply in and out, and start to relax.

A scientist plagued by debts, chronic illness and a nagging family once sought sanctuary desperately. A friend had told him that if he repeated his heart's desire 13 times he would get what he wanted. He didn't believe him of course. How could a man of science believe that sort of hogwash? But he was desperate. What else was he to do? He had no money, no strength left and they were to be out begging on the street very soon. He was a failure and felt totally deserted. He had tried everything. He had begged for his job, begged for some money and in the end thought, “What have I got to lose?”

As he entered his quiet space, he began to think of what he really wanted. Money? Health? Another wife? A new job? A house? He kept repeating over and over, “If only I could know what to do”. What was his heart's deepest yearning. In a trance-like state he kept repeating this prayer/mantra over and over 13 times. Then suddenly welling up from the deepest recesses of his mind came the cry, “O God, I beg you, enlighten my mind and let me invent something very great to further human knowledge”. Amazed he realized this was his desire of desires. Knowing at last his power and direction, Galileo went forth from his sanctuary and began the experiments that lead to the invention of the telescope. He knew he had gone from that small person who seemingly lacked all power in life to a visionary.

You are the energy, you are God in a human form. Maybe you aren't a great scientist or inventor but we all can make a difference. We can all connect to that higher energy source and know the direction for our life. Your desire may be achieved with just a smile and chat to a lonely person next door, or a helping hand to remind others of our link to each other. We are one.